"There's something happening here. The anti-establishment protest song has been turned on its head as Tea Partiers find their voice," we captioned this image of Sarah in our post "Give to strategic small-government candidates, not parties" back in October of 2009: "People speaking their minds/Getting so much resistance from behind/What a field-day for the heat/A thousand people in the street/Singing songs and carrying signs …" (Cover image of October 2008 "quickie paperback satire" Terminatrix, co-authored by top Harper-Collins Editor Adam Bellow (Saul's boy), who most recently worked on Sarah Palin's forthcoming blockbuster autobiography Going Rogue).
"It's as if Rob Jesmer, the NRSC's Executive Director, is a Tea Party saboteur, intentionally destroying the NRSC," twittered Erick Erickson around ten last evening in a eureka moment that set off a tsunami of retweeting:
I think I like the NRSC. Because of their incompetence, we're blessed with Rubio, Toomey, Paul, Buck, Angle, Lee, and now Miller.
And now Miller, indeed. The darkhorse candidate's likely win — to be determined after absentee ballots are counted starting next week — caught incumbent Senator Lisa Murkowski and the effete elites of the NRSC off guard in Tuesday's Alaska primary. Shellshocked, Murkowski "lawyered up" in anticipation of the NRSC's doing whatever it took to assure the final count went her way. The will of the people was never on the table. As Johnny Rocco said in Key Largo (h/t TheRealMirCat on Twitter)":
How many of these guys in office owe everything to me? I made them.
Unfortunately for the Johnny Roccos of the GOP, the old way of doing business isn't working anymore. It happened in the Massachusetts special election that sent Mr. Brown to Washington, and it's happening again. The national GOP is being disintermediated via the Internet. No wonder they're upset. The people's choice, Joe Miller — endorsed by Sarah Palin and with major funding from the Tea Party Express — is battle ready:
Joe Miller … accused the National Republican Senatorial Committee of "meddling" in the contest while charging that his opponent was trying to "pull an Al Franken."
Speaking with Fox Business Network, Miller referred to reports that Murkowski had sought legal counsel from the national committee as the state prepares to count thousands of absentee ballots that could decide the race.
Miller said his campaign would have volunteers on the ground as well to ensure nothing improper happens. Echoing his message from the campaign, he portrayed any potential ballot dispute as one of the Washington establishment against real Alaskans.
"The Tea Party is about overthrowing the establishment," Rush told his listeners Wednesday:
You have to understand here: [Murkowski] is a ruling class Republican, and it's just like you didn't understand why Bush would endorse Specter — you didn't understand why the Republican Party would endorse Specter — over Pat Toomey? Politics is politics. It is a business; it has requirements. Lisa Murkowski is the Republican.
Click here to support Joe Miller.
Update: Michelle Malkin "Buzzworthy" link!
Update II: Trending on Memeorandum.
Update III: Instalanche! See also Dan's totally awesome exclusive linked in the same Glenn Reynolds post:
Related: Betrayal: AK GOP HQ Phone Banked For Murkowski On Election Day. “There are additional reasons why we may soon see what amounts to a civil war within the GOP in Alaska, one that could easily spill over nationally, infuriating the Republican base if the establishment attempts to steal this election for Murkowski. And Murkowski will do the GOP brand no good among the grassroots if she pulls a Sorry Charlie Crist and opts for another route.”
Update IV: ShrinkWrapped offers the talking cure:
Read the whole thing; it may be the most illuminating post of the summer.
Maybe we should start charging by the hour?
Update V: Stacy links!
Crossposted at Riehl World View and Liberty Pundits.
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