"Then join hand in hand, brave Americans all! By uniting we stand, by dividing we fall!” The words of John Dickinson's "The Liberty Song, first published in the Boston Gazette July 18, 1768, resonate in this Revolutionary Election Season of 2010. Above, uniting they hang, "three young harvest mice link tails while sitting on a branch." Update: How could we have forgotten Ben Franklin's timeless "We must, indeed, all hang together, or most assuredly we shall all hang separately"? (BIOSPHOTO / SPECIALIST STOCK / BARCROFT MEDIA)
"Let's go viral and retire Barney!" says filmmaker Greg Joyce in the comments of Ace's rousing endorsement of our man Sean Bielat to restore "The People's Seat" of Massachusetts Congressional District Four. Ace wins Best in Show for what commenter alexthechick names "A campaign slogan for the ages":
When he's not killing terrorists, he's building fuckin' robots.
Ace doesn't mince words. It's easy to see why his fans can never get enough. This is good for Sean Bielat, and it's good for the people of Massachusetts and beyond. He's got 99 commenters — and counting! — trending strongly FTW. Our own dear blogbud Neo jumped into the fray yesterday afternoon with a moneybomb of her own. Her commenter Hangtown Bob speaks for all of us tea partying warriors out here in the Army of Davids disintermediating the powers that be on the ground and via the internet:
YES!!!! Good going, Neo! This is our power. Nationalize these local elections. Today, I am contributing to Angle, O’Donnell, and Bielat.
We were thrilled to learn that one of our heroes in the War on Terror, John Bolton — the man whose mustache repels bullets — has joined our ranks in a GOTV effort to enlist grassroots support for key House races, including Sean Bielat's:
"I joined the Election Day Tea Party project because — perhaps more than at any other in my lifetime — the results of this election cycle will determine the future of the United States as the leader of the Free World," said Ambassador John Bolton. "Election Day Tea Party is a great way for people to become involved in a substantial, productive way, no matter where you are in the country" …
Medina added, "By adopting one — or all — of these 50 challengers, volunteers from anywhere in the country can help. For instance, people can make phone calls for their candidate of choice, donate directly to them, or travel to the district to help with get-out-the-vote efforts."
When was the tipping point? We're not sure about Bolton & Company, but in our blogging neck of the woods, Neo draws back the curtain:
Yes, I saw Ace's post, which is great because he's got a LOT of traffic — I think something like 75K hits a day.
As for how I heard about Sean's candidacy — I'm not sure, had probably seen things earlier and not paid too much attention. But I believe it was when Glenn linked it the other day.
It was one of those Instapundit links that may have slipped under people's radar, because it didn't emphasize Sean's name or anything about him really. You had to follow the link to get what was happening. Then of course I went to your blog to see what you'd written a while ago, because I figured you had and I'd missed it. And searched a few others. And then I wrote my own.
I'm surprised this hasn't gotten more traction. But maybe it will now. Scott Brown didn't catch on till the last few weeks [as Professor Jacobson pointed out in his masterful "They Also Called Scott Brown A Non-Serious Exremist" this morning].
Indeed. Click here to help Retire Barney!
Note: They're bringing in the big guns: This just in over the transom as we're about to go to press: An "RNC Victory 2010" letter from Mama Grizzly Sarah Palin herself. 'Course we've kind of gotten into the habit of giving to strategic small-government candidates, not parties.
Update: Ace links! Thanks, big guy.
Update II: Trending on Memeorandum.
Update III: Our friend Gerard Van Der Leun's spanking new Rightnetwork links:
Sean Bielat: Ex-Marine Gunning for Barney Frank's Job.
Crossposted at Riehl World View and Liberty Pundits.
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