Our sis says Father Jon, Fox News' cuddly Pope commentator (above) is "a little bit too cute to be a priest. I'm mighty suspicious." And she's the one who believes in Jesus.
We put ourselves on a Google news alert months ago for all things Papa Ratzi. Today, on the eve of Pope Benedict XVI's historic and fraughtful visit to Turkey, Father Jonathan Morris of Fox News tumbled into our emailbox with news that he will be "providing television and web commentary from Turkey throughout the week." His first dispatch, "Pope Benedict the Brave" made our spirits soar. Hoping to get him to lend us an ear, we emailed our thoughts:
Dear Father Jonathan,
I love your Fox News essay, "Pope Benedict the Brave." It's one of the few -- the only one? -- I've seen in that vast wasteland of religious ignorance we call the mainstream media that knows what it's talking about. They "misunderestimate" Papa Ratzi at their own risk. I've often blogged about this great student of history and human nature -- who was warning the West of the gathering Eurabian storm long before he became Benedict XVI -- most recently critiquing Time Magazine's "While Time Magazine Slept" clueless cover story.
'Am looking forward with great excitement -- and some trepidation -- to your coverage of coming events.
Doc Sanity has more of the same, not about Papa Ratzi per se but about the larger titanic struggle with the enemies of civilization:
The MSM have been actively undoing the Bush foreign policy activities as fast as they can. They have promoted terrorist propaganda and denigrated our own military in order to do it; they have emphasized anything which makes the current administration look bad and given evil a free pass, focusing instead on any instance of American ineptitude as evidence of unmitigated American evil. Meanwhile the unmitigated evil of the enemies of civilization continues unabated, sure in the knowledge that they, too, can count on the western media to support and enable their goals.
Then there's John Sentamu (above), "the Archbishop of Canterbury-in-waiting" according to the London Times:
The contrast between the charismatic Archbishop of York and Rowan Williams, the cerebral and prevaricating occupant of Lambeth Palace, sprang into sharp relief last week. As MPs and the public rallied to Sentamu’s withering attack on British Airways for banning an employee from openly wearing a cross at work, Williams chose to travel with BA for a meeting with Pope Benedict XVI in the Vatican.
Sentamu also took on the BBC, which he claimed was biased against the Church of England: “We get more knocks. They do to us what they dare not do to Muslims.”
In an impassioned critique of the “systematic erosion” of the majority faith by an “illiberal atheism”, he castigated the abandonment of traditional Christmas cards in favour of Season’s Greetings versions, the introduction of “Winterval” in the Christmas holiday period and the Royal Mail for not featuring Jesus on Christmas stamps.
With his trademark gap-toothed grin and staccato enunciation of quaint English, the Ugandan-born archbishop is credited with having an electrifying effect on faithless, post-Christian Britain.
If Papa Ratzi, Dr. Sanity and the Archbishop of York be for us, who can be against us? Listen here.
Update: Pajamas Media links.
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