The invasion of Smooth Crabgrass (Digitaria ischaemum) amidst the carefully-laid bricks of the terrace metaphorically evokes the part of human nature that lurks in the darkness beyond the Shining City Upon a Hill. Ben Franklin's attributed answer to a query as he left Independence Hall on the final day of deliberation comes to mind: "A Republic, if you can keep it."
"Britain's Home Secretary has decided Islamic terrorism should be renamed 'anti-Islamic activity,'" reports Dale Hurd of CBN News from London. Twitter friend The Right Scoop of Right Scoop TV calls it "your wakeup call America!":
CBN News is really doing great reporting these days. In this report, CBN News details how political correctness and multiculturalism run amuck are allowing Islam to take over Britain to the detriment of those who are living there. It is very eye opening.
Listen to the full, hair-raising CBN report here. Meanwhile stateside the NAACP is trying to rename peaceful Tea-Party dissent "violent racism." Fortunately, on this side of the pond "we're mad as hell, and we're not going to take this anymore!" Gateway Pundit Jim Hoft, blogging about the St. Louis Tea Party's nipping the toxic racist weed in the bud, speaks for us all in a rousing Tea Party Moment:
We shocked the elites. We shocked the radicals and extremists. They knew they had to react and they lashed out at us. They called us mobsters, Nazis, radicals, and racists. They wanted us to pipe down; to be good little drones as they continued to wreak havoc across this great nation with their radical agenda. But, we gathered on street corners and met them at town halls.
We will not be silenced.In January they rammed through their nationalized health care plan. They lied to us. They said it would save us money. It won’t. They said it would not cover abortion. It did. They said your insurance plan won’t change. It will. We met them in Washington. And their state-run media lied about us and made up stories that we were racists. Despite the proof they continue this lie still today. But …
We will not be silenced.
Today they reach a new low. They publicly ridicule us as racists at their far left NAACP annual convention. We are hurt. We are angry. We are upset with this horrible lie.
We will not be silenced.
"The Tea Party's principles are simple and clear, explains Bill Hennessy, co-founder — along with our own intrepid Dana Loesch — of the St. Louis Tea Party:
Smaller federal government
Lower taxes
Fiscal responsibility
National defense
FederalismThose are precisely the tools to lift all Americans out of poverty. They’ve worked every time they’ve been tried. In America, we just haven’t tried them in awhile, due in large part to the NAACP’s advancement of socialism.
Each of these First Principles protects the rights of every American—the rights inherent in our humanity, not phony “rights” invented by a bureaucrat. We stand for rights given by God that no man, no government, can justifiably deny or diminish. Our principles are the very same principles that the NAACP stood for in 1909 but has wandered away from since the 1970s.
Have you noticed what superb writers — and thinkers! — we have on the Tea Party side of the aisle? Compare the heartfelt, luminous prose exerpted above with the false narrative approach of "One Nation," the left's latest lame attempt to mount a top-down challenge to the bottom-up tsunami that is the Tea Party. The WaPo reports:
"They promise to "counter the tea party narrative" and help the progressive movement find its voice again after 18 months of floundering …
"The groups involved represent the core of the first-time voters who backed President Obama -- including the National Council of La Raza, NAACP, AFL-CIO, SEIU and the United States Student Association. (The effort is separate from the Democratic Party's plan to spend $50 million trying to reach those same voters.)
Good luck. In high school English back in the good old days, we were taught that muddy writing reflects muddy thinking, and to become a good writer you studied good writing. Must be all that Glenn Beck Book Club stuff, from Adam Smith and the Founding Fathers to Friedrich Hayek and Lucianne Goldberg's boy Jonah. Eat your heart out, Oprah!
Update: Michelle Malkin Buzzworthy link!
Update II: Memeorandum Top Items discussion.
Crossposted at Riehl World View and Liberty Pundits.
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