Now you see her … Her lustrous, silky Chelsea Gray coat caressed by the sun, Tiny animates the landscape, her radiant warmth and golden eye aglow against the cool green of the pleasantly shaded Silver Maple Court on a "typical summerish" 84-degree day here in Chelsea-by-the-Sea.
It was lying there in plain sight all along, but most of our fellow Americans were distracted, too busy living their lives to pick it out from the background noise. Like Tiny camouflaged by the shifting visual dynamics of her surroundings in the image below, "Creeping socialism" was so disingenuously promulgated to the American public by progressives convinced they knew what was best for us "small people" that most of us didn't notice our freedoms ebbing away, the "forgotten man" ceding his autonomy — and hard-earned livelihood — to foot the bill for his betters' utopian, feel-good social-engineering schemes.
… Now you don't. "You can't hit what you can't see," we quoted Defense Review re digitized camouflage four years back, noting that "Digitized camo is impressive, but nobody does it better than the animals, as Tiny demonstrates, the pattern of light and shade fooling the eye into thinking a brick terrace and a gray cat are made of the same stuff.
Thomas Sowell cleanses the palate with a little history lesson:
What the government decided to do in June 1930 — against the advice of literally a thousand economists, who took out newspaper ads warning against it — was impose higher tariffs, in order to save American jobs by reducing imported goods.
This was the first massive federal intervention to rescue the economy, under President Herbert Hoover, who took pride in being the first President of the United States to intervene to try to get the economy out of an economic downturn.
Within six months after this government intervention, unemployment shot up into double digits — and stayed in double digits in every month throughout the entire remainder of the decade of the 1930s, as the Roosevelt administration expanded federal intervention far beyond what Hoover had started.
Creeping socialism has transmogrified into galloping statism under the current "regime," whose "never let a serious crisis go to waste" imperative knows no limits and no shame. Thank you, Rahm Emanuel and company for alerting us to Obama's sledging strategy of intimidation. We Tea Partiers will be forever grateful for the rude awakening, as will the Gulf coast governors like Bobby Jindal and everyday citizens who have decided to take things into their own hands in containing and pushing back the BP oil disaster the President has dragged his feet on and demagogued for the benefit of Union allies from day one. No more waiting in line for handouts.
It's in the air:
International protest groups take up ‘Tea Party’ flag in Moscow, Tel Aviv and the Hague.
From Stacy McCain: "One Republican's Plan to Fix the Gulf Oil Spill."
And from Instapundit: SLIPPING: Quinnipiac: New Jersey Blacks' Approval Of Obama Slipping.
Governor Chris Christie is the anti-Obama. Or, as Glenn Reynolds put it yesterday:
So, a fat white guy from New Jersey vs. a skinny black guy from Hawaii … ?
As New Jersey goes, so goes the nation?
Crossposted at Riehl World View and Liberty Pundits.
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