Photoshopped version (above) of this morning's Drudge Report screaming headline (below). AP photo
"'Oh my,' McCain laughs, his voice dripping with jest," in a
refreshingly candid NRO interview that suggests Sarah Palin is now in the driver's seat and her
former running mate in the passenger seat of the jerry-built vehicle that started the two on a bumpy
ride across the political landscape back in August of 2008, when Palin sprung onto the national scene full blown from
McCain's forehead. She's been disintermediating the powers that be via the internet
ever since, speaking directly to us and to the Leader of the Free World
through Facebook, WSJ and WaPo op eds, talk radio
and Fox News. Here's McCain, referencing the growing Sestak scandal
headlined by Drudge:
"Can’t we just trust their words? I mean, what’s the matter with you? If Robert Gibbs says nothing untoward took place, then that, of course, satisfies any concerns I might have." More seriously: "All I can say is this: Imagine if this was the Bush administration. The media wolf pack would be in full cry. But this is something we’ve grown used to. We have a compliant media. The good thing is that the American people have figured it out. They’re not being guided by the views of the mainstream media. If they were, the president’s polls wouldn’t be where they are."
Meanwhile, having followed the legacy-media script, Rahm, Barack and Bubba find themselves front and center on Drudge this morning, first day of a three-day weekend when the White House no doubt hoped the nation would head out for the patio and not worry our pretty little heads about the big lie they dumped on us yesterday. Instead, it's all over talk radio, cable and the internet. Pajamas Media's take was particularly witty and astute [h/t Dan Collins at POWIP]:
Of course in the case of Sestak and his putative job offer, we have no idea what actually happened. But we do know the sleaze factor is high — and not just because of the presence of Bill Clinton whose SQ (Sleaze Quotient) may be even higher than his IQ. Clinton is merely a product of "The Culture of Narcissism," Obama et al are the product of something worse – "The Culture of Chicago."
But the real issue now is not the “Deep Dish Sleazemeisters” from Chicago. They are who they are. Rod Blagojevich, Rahm Emanuel and Barack Obama are all cut from the same cloth.
The real issue is our media – the Fourth Estate that we all are supposed to depend on to vet these people.
Not to worry. As John McCain has figured out — thanks, perhaps, to
the lady at the wheel — we may have a compliant media, but "the American
people have figured it out."
Crossposted at Riehl World View and Liberty Pundits.
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