"Will the Republicans Post their Health Plan … And When?" is memeorandum's top story, linking to a who-me? suggestion on the part of the White House that the GOP has published no plan for Thursday's "bipartisan" meeting on the subject. We guess the President's people aren't following our favorite Congressman, Thaddeus McCotter (R, MI) on Twitter. Just a couple of hours ago "Young Thad" twittered this link to the House GOP Health Care Reform Bill via his own FaceBook page. The tweet:
The problem with a government takeover of health care is not the GOP. It is the American people do not want it. http://fb.me/KuebKP29D.
First a couple of paragraphs from the White House complaint, and then a few excerpts from the GOP.gov plan:
The President believes strongly that Thursday’s bipartisan meeting on health insurance reform will be most productive if both sides come to the table with a unified plan to start discussion – and if the public has the opportunity to inspect those proposals up close before the meeting happens.That’s why yesterday [Monday, February 22, giving us 2-3 days to read and digest -ed] the White House posted online the President’s proposal for bridging the differences between the Senate- and House-passed health insurance reform bills.
What you can’t do just yet is read about the Republicans’ consensus plan – because so far they haven’t announced what proposal they’ll be bringing to the table … As we said today, we’ll be happy to post the Republican plan on our website once they indicate to us which one we should post.
Well, we don't know what they mean by "which one we should post," but the House GOP HC plan twittered by Congressman MCotter, "Common-Sense health care reforms our nation can afford," sounds pretty good to us. [Update: Not to mention that it's been online since November!] It includes a summary, full text, "Ten Reasons to Support" and a side-by-side policy comparison with the Pelosi bill. From the intro:
Americans want a step-by-step, common-sense approach to health care reform, not Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s costly, 1,990-page government takeover of our nation’s health care system. Republicans’ alternative solution focuses on lowering health care premiums for families and small businesses, increasing access to affordable, high-quality care, and promoting healthier lifestyles – without adding to the crushing debt Washington has placed on our children and grandchildren.
Key elements include lowering premiums, ending junk lawsuits, encouraging innovative state programs and allowing Americans to buy insurance across state lines. Click here to read the whole thing.
Update: New post by Congressman McCotter just posted at Red State: "The Crisis of Consent: Republicans Must NOT Abet Obama's ShamWoW! Summit."
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