"If you did not know the tiny, unpretentious and vivacious grey-haired lady whom I had the privilege of sitting next to you would never guess that she is one of the most formidable personalities of our time," writes Paul Belien of The Brussels Journal re Bat Ye'or, above, in The Hague attending an international gathering of Western Jihad experts over the weekend.
"To Bat Ye’or the Danish cartoon affair is 'a revolt to assert Western values of freedom of opinion, speech and religion,'” writes Paul Belien, editor--in-chief of The Brussels Journal:
My wife and I had dinner with Bat Ye’or [at a gathring of Eurabia scholars in the Hague Sunday], and I asked her how it had felt to live as a dhimmi in Egypt, but she said it was only when she came to the West that she had come to realize what dhimmitude really was. “You only realize when you look from the outside in,” she said. It is perhaps because she has had this ‘priviliged’ experience that she was able to perceive from the 1970s onwards how the Europeans are slowly being turned into dhimmis. Her 2005 book “Eurabia: The Euro-Arab Axis” describes this transformation process.
Then there are those inside the dummitudinous bubble of Harvard College Democrats like Andrew Golis of Cambridge Common, whose wilfully information-challenged and self-satisfied comments re the Harvard Salient's decision to publish the cartoons betray an astonishing, head-in-the-sand lack of curiosity:
But seriously, what point was there to do this other than pure attention-mongering? Yes, I know, it's a statement of principle that reaffirms the freedom of the press in the United States. That's fine, it's a good principle. But who really thought it was in jeopardy?
While Rome -- Cambridge? -- burned. When Pyrrhus of RedIvy, "the new blog of the Harvard Republican Club," posted a list of questions for Golis, the best the young man of the left could come up with was "I don't have time or desire to write the short book that your questions compel." Bat Ye'or would not be pleased. More from Paul Belien in the Hague:
Bat Ye’or convincingly argues that the transformation of Europe into Eurabia is the result of a deliberate strategy that was foolishly set in motion by French Gaullists who wanted to create a European-Arab counterweight to the United States . . . Ever since she was forced to leave Egypt Bat Ye’or has lived in Europe . . . She urges young people to continue resisting dhimmi status.
“We should not ask the moderate Muslims to save us. We have to change the present situation ourselves. That is our duty to our children and our ancestors,” warned Ye'or:
Her studies have made her aware that the destruction of Christian societies by Jihadists has always been brought about by the Christian leaders and churches themselves . . .
Not only the European Union is imposing the ideology of multiculturalism, but also the United Nations . . . According to the 56 member states of the Organization of the Islamic Countries (OIC) even the use of “the prefix ‘Islamic’ before ‘terrorism’ is sacrilege.” Through the channels of the UN they try to curtail freedom of thought, opinion and expression with accusations of “blasphemy,” “islamophobia,” “defamation of Islam,” or “sacrilege.”
It's time for young Harvard Democrats who profess political opinions to look up from their books/computers/navels and realize that the dhimmitudinous fear society is already crashing upon our shores. Belien concludes:
I had been invited to The Hague by Daniel Pipes. I discovered that the most famous of the conference participants were not registered at the hotel under their real names and a (plain clothes) guard was watching over them. Apparently, a gathering of people for a scholarly exchange of views on the preservation of Western liberties, can no longer take place in the free West without security measures.
Those who do not study history . . .
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