"European ingenuity! Can't get access 2 a gun b/c of strict laws, buy yourself an attack pig.
"Trump in Saudi tells me something: We lost the argument. But who rewired Trump?" tweets anti-cultural-jihad warrior Diana West this afternoon. We're with her fundamental argument re President Trump's apparent dhimmitudinous cave to the usual "Islam is a religion of peace" meme. BUT, as we tweeted her, acknowledging her case but with a larger view:
Don't know who "rewired Trump," agree re #dhimmitude, BUT. #Fracking means oil won't be enuf for KSA —> Cultural changes w new generation.
Unforeseen westernizing results in KSA economy & culture will counter #CulturalJihad in western nations
The link goes to Peter Bergen's must-read "The real reason Saudis rolled out the reddest of red carpets":
Adam Smith is smiling.
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