Has this demonic image of President Obama been wiped — What, like with a cloth or something? — from the internet's memory bank? We ask because a Google search for "Obama crazed look" images rendered scant results, mostly a recurring photo at Allen West's web site.
"He could have been a Martin Luther King here…But he has such a chip on his shoulder, I believe he is a racist, he hates white people, he hates this country." The rantings of a flaming Alt-Right white supremacist? Not at all. As Jacqueline Alemany tweets, those are the measured words of a former Democrat in Mahoning, Ohio:
While were still on the topic: had a convo w a voter in Mahoning last week who said Obamas racist & Trump a unifier. pic.twitter.com/ptdcx5KYck
— Jacqueline Alemany (@JaxAlemany) September 22, 2016
Read the whole thing for a fascinating democrat take on The Donald. Meanwhile, we've known about that chip on then Senator Obama's shoulder since December 11, 2006, when we asked ourselves the question "Did Obama just call me a racist?:
“Are some voters not going to vote for me because I’m African-American? Those are the same voters who probably wouldn’t vote for me because of my politics,” Barack Obama told ecstatic New Hampshire voters yesterday. Being one of those voters who probably wouldn't vote for him because of his politics, we were naturally offended at his suggestion that people like us are racists. Swept up in the locals' devotional hysteria, however, the media didn't seem to notice. Folks hear what they want to hear.
According to Paul Joseph Watson of the controversially conspiratorial InfoWars, there are leaked videos in the offing that show a young Obama "railing against white people" during a 1990 trip to his father's Kenya homeland.
Dutiful Alinskyite acolyte that he is, President Obama has taken every opportunity through the years to fan the flames of racist hatred, always loudly taking the side of alleged victims of white-on-black crimes and indignities before the facts were in. In the wake of the latest Soros-funded riots in Charlotte, North Carolina, he's assuming a lower profile, preferring to lightly scold the outside agitators whose mission in life is to turn peaceful protests into deadly riots. And if you were wondering about the end game for Soros & Company, the twitterer who calls himself Lost World Reporter has a theory:
@CubanSuperman all this bs hate fights ... paid by soros to keep us busy with bs ... so Obama and soros can start the new world order in peace
— LOST WORLD REPORTER (@NiwreV) September 23, 2016
@CubanSuperman @alllibertynews @GovJVentura ITS CREATING HATE ... JUST WHAT OBAMA AND SOROS WANT. JESSE HELPS. IN 8 DAYS FREEDOM IS GONE pic.twitter.com/iL0ZPoJZGg
— LOST WORLD REPORTER (@NiwreV) September 23, 2016
"In 8 days freedom is gone," of course, refers to Obama's phone-and-pen UN internet takeover plan. And speaking of Edward Bernays, "the father of public relations," his ideas are as fresh and new — and potentially unnerving — in this Age of Obama as they have ever been. Look at the way political and academic and media elites are spinning the "Donald Trump is Racist" narrative:
FALL FASCISM PREVIEW: September is “Trump Is Hitler Month” At The Washington Post. Hasn’t ev... https://t.co/2UZQJQbqyH via @instapundit
— Instapundit.com (@instapundit) September 23, 2016
Not to mention last week's twitter sensation, Hillary's trashing half The Donald's supporters as "a basket of deplorables."
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