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« Olympics coverage: "Abide with me," but don't tell the great unwashed. | Main | Con-Man-in-Chief: Barack Obama's "masterful marketing of emotions" »

August 27, 2012


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Where is the link for the Barbour video?

Yeah, nice photos of the toy boat, but hard to appreciate this without a video.

Reid and the Democrats put $1m ( that is one miiillliionn dollars Dr. Evil) into Akins campaign...who's "warring on women: now?



Here it is.

This election isn't about males or females - it's about the survival of our Republic which, if it doesn't survive, adversely impacts BOTH sexes. Why can't people get their heads out of their nether regions and understand that!?

O, for this Blog sing Requiem:
Twitter hath seized good Sissy's electronic Pen.
No more insightful Posts for us to see,
Only what's expressed in less than 140.

The age of Blogging thus we see is past,
For which I cry, O woe, O woe, alas!

Dearest Elisson, my Poet Laureate of choice, I hope (not a strategery) to be back on the front lines anon.

Blogger's Block. Is that included in the professional lists of mental disorders? http://bit.ly/WRdspV

Dearest Elisson, my Poet Laureate of choice, I hope (not a strategery) to be back on the front lines anon.

Blogger's Block. Is that included in the professional lists of mental disorders? http://bit.ly/WRdspV

I miss you Sissy.

OK, election's over. Back on your heads!

I'm definitely over the election. Time to get back on that horse! Thanks for your continuing good words. :)


If blogging is a Clydesdale - a stout draft horse - then Twitter is a dwarf miniature pony. Amusing, but it can only take 140 mincing little steps at a time.

Sometimes pith is enough. Other times, you need pith and vinegar.

Now, get back on that horsie and ride!

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