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« Sarah Palin dazzles CNN poobahs | Main | Santorum in Gettysburg: A new birth of freedom? »

March 10, 2012


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Santorum follows the right path that leads to freedom and prosperity. Can the voters recognize the man they need to guide government back to these goals?

" We have to have a nominee who can get up there and draw a clear contrast with the President ..."

Wouldn't THAT be a change - an entirely different strategy than 2008. Too much to hope for, I suppose.

I just hope he can go toe-to-toe with The Won in the debates. I know Newt could mop the floor with him, but I'm not totally sure about Santorum.

Of course, for the VP debates, Santorum could have Minnie Mouse as a running mate and he/she would totally destroy Biden!

Oooh, you said "sluttish"! That's bound to get you the finger of scorn from all right-thinking womyn. (And by "right-thinking" of course I mean LEFT-thinking, or NON-thinking, as the case may be.)

A conservative blog I used to follow gave up defending Senator Santorum on his path to a well-earned landslide reelection loss. Among other things, he opposes libertarian influence in the GOP.

IMO two groups are celebrating today: Santorum supporters...and Democrats.

I'll keep my fingers crossed in November and vote for Newt. I'll wear a gas mask and vote for Mitt. I will not vote for Santorum.

Sissy, you did a fantastic job against Martha Coakley.

But George Bush? And now Santorum?

I fear we were allies of convenience.

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