"If there's one particular issue that breaks the camel's back with respect to this election, that is the issue of Obamacare," says Oklahoma primary winner Rick Santorum this evening, addressing supporters in his neck-and-neck Ohio victory speech. "Once the government has control of your life, then they've got you." (Getty images)
"You lucked out," joshed Sarah Palin moments ago as she granted a spur-of-the-moment mini-interview to an ecstatic CNN reporter lurking on the fringes of the Wasilla polling place where Sarah and Todd were exercising their franchise this evening. Flashing only a metaphorical ankle in response to the reporter's question, the Mama Grizzly taunted:
"As I said, anything is possible and I don’t close any doors that would be open out there" …
Asked to list what she sees as the top campaign issues, Palin said it is a “combination of the economy and military needs” …
"Things are up in the air. I don't know. Anybody but Obama."
The boys and girls back at CNN headquarters were giddy — pardon our wordplay — peeing in their pants at the thrill of it all. One of them, possibly Anderson Cooper, seemed surprised at how alert Governor Palin was, articulate and up on current events, nothing like the clueless caricature spun out of thin air in the wake of Katie Curic's gotcha interview back in the fall of 2008. For those attuned to her dog whistle, Palin's vision of the Shining City has been out there all along. Bored with their own tired narratives, is the lamestream media ready for a fresh look?
As we go to press:
Rick Santorum has won the Republican primary in Oklahoma, according to exit polls, his second victory of the night after Tennessee.
Oklahoma is a key win over well-funded rival Mitt Romney, signaling that the GOP race is likely to extend long beyond this Super Tuesday.
Update: Newt's the one, Sarah tells Neil Cavuto on Fox Business News:
It is tough for me to spin out of a question like that when it comes from a Fox reporter. If it comes from another reporter, I can spin out of it. Since it came from you, I will tell you, I won’t sound like a politician and I will tell you who I voted for tonight … My preference tonight was for the cheerful one.
Crossposted at Riehl World View.
At this point, the perfect is NOT the enemy of the "good".
Posted by: BR | March 07, 2012 at 04:15 AM
Jesus is not running. Experience and good judgement are imperatives. Newt seems to have both as far as being President is concerned.
Posted by: goomp | March 07, 2012 at 09:48 AM
Newt gets my vote for many reasons, not the least of which is his brilliant phrasing last night when he pronounced The Won as "deliciously incomprehensible"! It would be a joy to listen to Newt speak for 4 years - my sister watched the presser yesterday and said the president reminded her of a not-very-attractive seal (animal variety) with all his barking of "ummm" and "hmmmm" throughout. Truly, the man is a borderline imbecile puppet manipulated by his handlers!
Posted by: Gayle Miller | March 07, 2012 at 01:07 PM