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March 01, 2012


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Beautiful, Sissy!

I think every one of us thought/felt exactly the same after we caught our gasping breath to take in the enormous loss.

To arms!

RIP Andrew Breitbart

Sissy, you're my favorite Breitbart soldier on twitter.

Huge loss. Just didn't want to believe it this morning.

Thanks Sissy. I'm still trying to get my head around all of this.

I felt the same way when Dean Barnett (SoxBlogger) and Cathy Seipp (the one and only) passed. I knew none of these folks personally and yet their passings have marked me indelibly in one way or another.

But now I am determined to get back to blogging, one voice in an army of Andrews; and in the back of my mind a little voice is saying we should win 2012 for Mr. Breitbart.

You can bet I'll do my part.

I am one of millions of conservatives who coasted on Breitbart's coattails. I vote the right way and contribute to the right causes but I have never been a leader or a fighter like Andrew. I think it's time to man up and follow where Andrew led.

Beautiful painting - captures his spirit. A very sad day.

Great Post. God bless him, all he has done and all he has inspired. I have read and re-read Wordsworth's Character of the Happy Warrior several times today thinking about Mr. Breitbart and this line says it all:

This is the happy Warrior; this is He
That every Man in arms should wish to be.

It is always hard when someone younger than you dies with so much potential, but Andrew May have died but more importantly he LIVED.

Kevin DuJan of HillBuzz put it best: When faced with a dilemma, think to yourself, What would Andrew Breitbart do? And then DO IT!

His family is in our prayers. And we thank God for lending him to us for a short while!

I know everyone is thinking of him in terms of his leadership in the conservative cause, but I keep thinking of his wife and children. I pray they find the peace and strength to make it through such a devastating loss. *sigh* The rest of us can be resourceful enough to move on. How much harder for his family. May he rest in peace.

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