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« Amazing Grace: Is Rick Santorum the new Sarah Palin? | Main | How Obama learned to stop worrying and love the super PAC »

January 06, 2012


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Will Sissy Willis do it again? Having pushed Scott Brown across the finish line in the Massachusetts race for "the Kennedy seat" can she pull off a repeat for Rick Santorum?

Sissy, you might just make a believer out of me.

Follow SISU. We need politicians of principle. People who believe in the government our founders established and are not seekers of fame and power at any cost.

I too have become a cautious Santorum convert. In fact, could I afford it (being unemployed like so many and, again like so many, not participating in unemployment benefits and thus not counted as unemployed), I'd make a contribution to his campaign. I may still winkle a could dollars out of my social security check next month on his behalf. I think that much of him - or rather, I think that little of Mr. Romney, the incredible plastic candidate. The media of the Northeast and John McCain like him a lot - that's enough to put me off the man in perpetuity!

I would like to invite all Santorum supporters to join the grassroots hub at www.SantorumForums.com

As predicted, Santorum's authenticity would lead him to correct misrepresentations of his position, and force people to consider the logic of what he has to say rather than doing the typical RINO 'run away, run away!'.

I agree that Rick Santorum is the best of the "non-Romney" candidates. He is generally conservative, and a lot more electable than Newt or Perry. Ron Paul is a nut, so I don't really include him.

That said, he has a reputation as a social issues conservative, which wouldn't play well in the general.

Long story short I still think Romney is our best hope, but I would also be satisfied with Santorum as our candidate.

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