"So maybe if I tell you a little about myself, it will explain something about why I'm running for the United States Senate," says Soros-backed "everywoman" — and method actress extraordinaire — Elizabeth Warren in an all-about-little-old-me video at her campaign website.
"My mom and dad worked really hard. My dad sold carpeting, and then fencing, and ended up as a maintenance man. When I was in junior high he had a heart attack, and we lost our car," lip-biting Scott Brown challenger Elizabeth Warren (above) — her voice breaking — explains "why she'll fight for Massachusetts' working families in the United States Senate." A self-made millionaire, Harvard Law School professor and author of President Obama's Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, limousine liberal Warren has taken a page from last year's Delaware Republican primary Tea Party winner Christine O'Donnell's playbook. Warren's subliminal message to the weak-minded among us looking for a savior? "I'm you." And apparently it's working:
Democratic Massachusetts Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren released her second video advertisement on Monday, which portrays her as a “gutsy” political outsider with “fresh ideas” …
Various people in the ad describe her as an “everyday kind of person,” someone with “everyone’s best interest at heart,” a “strong voice for the middle class,” and “tough.”
And this:
Poll: Elizabeth Warren soars 7 up over Scott Brown.
"I'm not a witch. I'm nothing you've heard. I'm you."
You can't fool all of the people all of the time, but in Massachusetts you can come close. Check out the body language of Democrat establishment pick for the former "Kennedy Seat" Elizabeth Warren (left) and much-ridiculed grassroots Tea Party challenger Christine O'Donnell (right), who beat the Republican establishment pick in the primary but lost in the general last year: The coy, tilted head, the earnest, moist eyes, the pursed lips that seek to soothe. And the words:
O'Donnell: "None of us can be happy with what we see all around us: Politicians who think spending, trading favors and backroom deals are the way to stay in office. I'll go to Washington and do what you'd do.
Warren: "I want there to be a level playing field. I want small businesses, I want families to have a real chance. I want Washington to not to be on the side with the big corporations, but to be on their side."
Cosmic convergence? Or just a cynical, poll-tested Democrat establishment ploy to restore the "Kennedy Seat" to its rightful owners?
Update: Good advice from Chris Bennett in the comments:
"Cosmic convergence"? Or witchcraft? Let's put Warren in the dunking chair, just to be sure.
Update II: Burn, baby, burn:
“Karl Rove is not telling the truth, and I think anyone who is not telling the truth shouldn’t be running ads in this race," she told the Herald. Warren has said she supports negative ads from outside groups so long as they are telling the truth, while U.S. Sen. Scott Brown has said he believes all outside groups should stay out of the race.”
We're not amused with Scott Brown's disingenuous dismissal of "outside groups," by the way. If it weren't for the disintermediating social-media nationalization of his 2010 special election, Democrat establishment candidate Martha Coakley would be our junior senator today.
Crossposted at Riehl World View and Cloven Not Crested.
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