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« Over the river ... | Main | Have yourself a merry little blogiversary: Now we are eight. »

December 08, 2011


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More left wing baloney about evil big corporations. Big corporations get that way through big volume brought on by competitive prices and good quality. Of course like every thing else success can bring arrogance and abuse. Be it businessmen, politicians, or educators.

"Cosmic convergence"? Or witchcraft? Let's put Warren in the dunking chair, just to be sure.

Herman Cain's single greatest accomplishment is/was in showing us that we do not have to rely on politicians or even like them to have them do good work for us. This woman is attempting to pull the proverbial wool over our eyes in every way. Scummy female for sure. Also, Americans can listen to this class warfare nonsense just so long and our gorge rises beyond containment. We're almost at that tipping point.

Merry Christmas to all, with special love to Tuck, Sissy, LK, goomp and Purkey!

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