"I was very pleased with this debate, and, you know, very excited about the validation of the Tea Party movement," Sarah Palin told Greta Van Susteren last night in a meaty analysis of the CNN/TeaPartyExpress debate that echoed our own take and set our woman-up, fight-like-a-girl heart on fire. Listen to full interview here.
While some of our favorite bloggers and columnists and talking heads debated the winners and losers of last night's CNN/TeaPartyExpress GOP primary debate, a shoot-to-where-it's-going, not-to-where-it's-been Sarah Palin disintermediated the usual premise of judging these contests. As she explained to Greta Van Susteren in a landmark "On the record" post-debate interview last night:
Here they hook up with a major news network, CNN — and more power to CNN for allowing that validation — of this grassroots Tea Party movement.
Participants from all over the nation being able, as a voice of "We the people," asking questions of these potential presidents …
The winner in this really, I believe, was the Tea Party movement.
"Greta, this is one of the reasons that many of us really love your show because you have been one on top of this issue from day one, talking about the fraud, the waste and the crony capitalism." From opposite ends of the political spectrum, the two women seem to have forged a sisterly bond through their shared mission to fight corruption wherever they may find it.
Palin and Van Susteren — the conservative Mama Grizzly and the liberal Fox News show host — may seem an odd pairing. A tough questioner, Van Susteren earned Palin's trust early on by giving her a fair hearing where others, even Fox libertarian Judge Napolitano, were buying — and promulgating — the "lamestream media's" Palin-is-Stupid narrative spin. Fortunately the Judge finally came to his senses.
"I'm not gonna let the media dictate when a drop-dead date should be," Palin answered Van Susteren's inevitable will-she-or-won't-she question:
In the meantime, I'm getting kind of a kick out of this, and I have to be honest with you. Getting a kick out of getting out there, giving a speech, making some statements about things that must be discussed, and then the very next day watching some of the candidates get out there and discuss what it was that we just talked about, like the corruption, the crony capitalism, the waste, the fraud … That perhaps is my role right now, is to get people talking about the issues that the American people deserve to hear discussed … I'm gonna keep doing that!
Mark America at US for Palin develops the theme in his must-read "Only One Republican is Shaping the Debate":
While it is true to say the Tea Party won the debate, it’s likewise clear that the themes Governor Palin has been discussing since 2008 are really the foundation of the ongoing Republican discussion.
See also Dana Loesch's insider's analysis "CNN Shows MSNBC How a Debate is Done."
Crossposted at Riehl World View and Cloven Not Crested.
Debating real world topics by people whose minds are not frozen in political dogma. That is the Tea Party and that is what we are beginning to get.
Posted by: goomp | September 13, 2011 at 04:34 PM
Really, when one looks at it, the Fox News on-air personnel are the Island of Misfit Close-Ups. The true conservatives keep the joint afloat in the black while the broken ideology liberals, discarded by their own tribe, run around Sunset Blvd. to no purpose.
Posted by: FeFe | September 16, 2011 at 11:11 AM
I'm behind Bachmann at the moment but it doesn't really matter, as long as it's Tea Party.
Posted by: jameshigham | September 19, 2011 at 07:57 AM