"This has been a long tease with Sarah Palin, and at some point that tease has just got to go away. What's going to happen next," snickered Laura Ingraham (above left) to guest Ann Coulter last night as the two blonde bombshells shared what struck us as a covenly caterwaul over the Mama Grizzly's disintermediating GOP primary tactics. Twitter buddy Charles @repub9989 thinks it's a jealous-woman thing, but then there's Red State's Erick Erickson's complaint. See below for more, and click here for The Right Scoop's video.
"Fog of war describes Twitter in a nutshell," twittered Moe Lane this afternoon in response to our attempt to defuse a friendly-fire incident over our blogfriend's preference for announced Lone-Star candidate Scott Rick Perry (thanks to chickelit in the comments for the correction) vs our own first love, unannounced shoot-to-where-it's-going Sarah Palin:
Oh. Didn't realize you were a Perry supporter. Just retweeting a tweet that made sense to me. Reminds me of the fog of war.
We were but two hand-to-hand combatants in an army of cyberwarriors locked in a fiery internecine battle that erupted this morning between Palinistas and everyone else on our side of the aisle in the wake of a dishy catfest last night between mischief-maker Ann Coulter and host Laura Ingraham, subbing for O'Reilly:
Coulter: Most Americans don't want Sarah Palin for President, but she's become sort of the Obama of the Tea Party. She's just "The One" to a certain segment of right wingers, and the tiniest criticism of her — I think many of your viewers may not know this — no conservative on TV will criticize Palin because they don't want to deal with the hate mail.
Ingraham: People like Palin to show up at these events and whip up the crowd. There's a place for that, and I think we need that. but people, when I talk to them, they seem to be desperate and hungry more than ever for real substance, beyond kind of the sloganeering and the bumper sticker stuff.
Bring on the smelling salts. Then there was Red State's Erick Erickson, "all wee weed up over Palin," as Dan Riehl so memorably puts it. We particularly liked Rants for Reasonable People's PolitiJim's open letter to Erickson:
Did you forget it was PALIN who helped galvanize and garner the conservative movement in 2008? Have you not read the citations of those of us who started with Santelli and were empowered with Palin who comment how many ended up as 'the tea party?' When the 'big government' republicans and pretenders forced us onto McCain - Palin was a sign of hope.
Update: Memeorandum links Erick Erickson's "Enough."
Update II: Michelle Malkin "Buzzworthy" link!
Crossposted at Riehl World View and Cloven Not Crested.
This is such a useless, senseless fight to be having, unless one is an Obama supporter, then it's great. Palin's timing is her own affair, and I just don't understand all the pundits and would-be pundits who are getting so worked up over her doing exactly what she said she'd do, which is wait until the end of September. At the same time, it helps no one for so many Palin-fans to go into a frothing fit at the least criticism of her. It's all distracting from the the real goal, which is getting Obama out of office.
Posted by: Phineas | September 07, 2011 at 08:11 PM
...our blogfriend's preference for announced Lone-Star candidate Scott Perry vs our own first love,
So is "Scott Perry" a hybrid of Rick Perry and Scott Brown? :)
I'm OK with Palin's timing, too.
Posted by: chickelit | September 07, 2011 at 10:06 PM
It's all part of marginalizing any Tea Party candidate early enough to take us out of the conversation. I never would have guessed that the "conservative" media would be such a tool for the GOP establishment but there they are, Hannity and the rest, enabling the Rovian progressives in wrecking any chance for conservatives to work within the party. Again.
It seems almost certain already that we conservatives are again going to be blamed for a GOP loss if we refuse to hold our noses to vote for either Rombama or Perrybush.
This would be a good time for Trump to again point out how beatable Obama is (as Hillary will show later) and how lame the GOP field is by getting back into the conversation. If the polls justify Trump entering to run independent (and they will) and he runs, the corrupt GOP establishment will have no one to blame but themselves. Of course, they will again blame us conservatives as they lose to Hillary.
On the other hand, Sarah could show some real brass and assume the space Trump graciously created for her. Running against two crony capitalists, she could win. (Rove and Coulter don't get to say who is electable and who isn't. Voters do.
Posted by: Pasadena Phil | September 07, 2011 at 10:50 PM
Your point?
Posted by: Don't Forget 911983 | September 08, 2011 at 02:40 AM
So not only is the GOP/RNC a bunch of tossers so are the big mouthed bottle blondes of the clan of the Progressive Republican. They're all a SFoaMF.
Posted by: Westie | September 08, 2011 at 10:45 AM