"I have to tell ya. I say this to you politely," John Kerry said impolitely to MSNBC's Morning Joe audience the other day, parroting the Journolist talking-points meme of the day, Tea Party as illegitimate "hostage taker" of the nation's political debate over the debt deal. "Balanced approach" and "compromise" were the plebe-polled words of choice, but a number of the Tea Party freshmen weren't buying. "It doesn't deserve the same credit as a legitimate idea about what you do," pontificated the "seared, seared" Senator Kerry. We guess it depends upon what your definition of "legitimate" is.
So much blog fodder, so little time. Two items. First, this from our reality-challenged friends on the left side of the twittersphere:
The only thing keeping the GOP in charge of this country is the corrupted media. Take that away, and these jerks are done.
Who knew the GOP — with the White House and half the Congress held by the opposition and the MSM in their pocket — was in charge? Must be those terrorist Tea Party types holding John Kerry & Company hostage. 'Course we couldn't agree more about "the corrupted media," but just who are "these jerks" they refer to? In our parallel universe it's always been the media's fellow travelers on the left side of the aisle that weight the scales in favor of the progressive narrative. Which leads us to our second item, an eureka moment of what is wrong with the Gramscian project. See below.
This idea isn’t going to make a big splash with Rubber Duckie," notes Your Daddy's Politics:
An online campaign to pressure the producers of “Sesame Street” into having lovable roommates Bert and Ernie (above) get married is gathering steam. Getting hitched would change things for Ernie, who has long sang about how his bath toy, Rubber Duckie, “was the one.”
That was when the lightbulb went off. Imagine yourself as a child. Bro & sis, mom and dad. Bert and Ernie a couple of goofy guys on one of your favorite shows. They're going to get married? Can you say cognitive dissonance? Mainly, though, it would be terrifying and so wrong, destroying a kid's safe haven of the way the world is. Not unlike the violation visited on the bodies of the innocent by a child molester, these we-know-what's-best-for-you elitists would violate the heart and soul of the innocent:
More than 700 people have signed on to the petition, posted at change.org. “We are not asking that Sesame Street do anything crude or disrespectful,” reads the petition for the muppet merger. “It can be done in a tasteful way. Let us teach tolerance of those that are different.”
You want tolerance of "those that are different"? Look to the animals, especially the "rare baby Sand Cat" born at Israel's Safari Zoo recently:
Once a common cat in the dunes of Israel, the cat has become basically extinct in the region. The newborn has given hope to conservationalists who hope one day to reintroduce the Sand Cat to the wild.
Update: Snippets from an imail conversation:
She: Am SICK about what they are attempting to do with Bert and Ernie. It would be like if Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis got married. It DESTROYS the concept of true friendship. Goofy Guy/Straight Man are no longer funny, once they become a married couple.
We: The Odd Couple comes to mind.
Clinching proof that Bert and Ernie are gay.
Crossposted at Riehl World View.
When oh when will the voters of Massachusetts wise up and retire horse face from office? I do no know how anyone could vote for that arrogant and stupid, stupid man!
Posted by: Gayle Miller | August 11, 2011 at 12:34 AM
Well, of course Bert and Ernie should get married. Just think of the opportunities for condom lessons in every episode! All media must serve the state.
Posted by: BR | August 11, 2011 at 07:37 AM