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« Like Andrew Breitbart only more so | Main | The course of true love never did run smooth »

July 16, 2011


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My first pet (in 5th grade) was a kitten that looked exactly like that...I named her Pebbles :-)
That's what drew me to your site initially was the "Beauty in unexpected places" part!

If the intertubez went down, most 10-20 year olds would be lost.

There, I said it.

LOL. Not to mention a number of women of un certain age! :)

Wow, you've still got the same elephant ear plant?!?! From three or four years ago?? I presume you've got it in a planter and you take it in for the winter? Hope all is well in your neck of the woods. Love camo kitty pic.

Yup. Same plant. Spends the winters hibernating in the attic, then comes out for summer fun. The gift that keeps on giving.

Looks like you gave it to us back in 2007 (scroll down to second pic/caption):

How's by you? Are you on Google+ yet? ;)

I'd like to know how to defend my basil plant(s) from the forays by Buddy and Rusty! Guess I'll have to put them out front where Rusty is afraid to venture and where Buddy is not permitted!

Love you guys a lot. Hope you're surviving the heat okay. Me? I'm just staying in the a/c and I'm happy to say that my electric bill has remained fairly reasonable thanks to a good unit and excellent windows throughout! Whew!

I also run a fan in the living room during the hottest part of the day which Buddy dislikes intensely. It's entertainment for me as he finds myriad ways to skirt the issue when the fan is in motion!

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