Little Kitteh's camouflage fits naturally into her surroundings, Persian rug to the left, Tuck's Dunham work boot to the right.
"LOVE the post, LOVE the Van Goghian Paintings Graphics, BUT..." writes our imail correspondent re our previous post:
She: I worry so much about losing our skills. Going to the Internet for all the answers is pretty dicey.
We: Oh. Not to worry. I find that I hone my skills. When I can't remember something, finding it out there reinforces my memory for lost details. But definitely a legitimate concern. Especially for people who never knew anything to start with, such as today's brainwashed students.
Our new Annin American flag from the totally awesome Accent Banner in Medford — found out about it online, drove over there and got a heart-warming personal tour of the factory plus lots of good advice about the proper fittings for remounting our flag — hung between the central columns of our Greek Revival manse. Complete with new swiveling pulleys from Westerbeke Marine across the Creek in East Boston.
"If the internet died tomorrow, due to Global Warming [Yuk, yuk] and I might remember where to go for information, but the kids taday won't have a CLUE":
She: I APPLAUD the Internet … have had so much fun with typing in, "whatever," and there it is, BUT… if the Internet goes down, you are left with a couple of generations who go "DOH."
We: They would anyway thanks to the Gramscian march through the institutions.
In the ongoing project of sprucing up the terrace the other day, we were about to trash a dead leaf still clinging to our Super Mammoth Elephant Ears when we happened to turn it upside down to discover a precious moth revving up in there, about to take flight for the adventure of its lepidopteran life. Talk about camouflage! Update: We've put in an ID request to the folks at the totally awesome Butterflies and Moths of North America. Update II: It's Halysidota tessellaris: Banded Tussock Moth or Pale Tiger Moth, accepted and now listed in the BMNA database! They're so cute — and fuzzy! — when they're little.
"The Internet is a very valuable tool," she continues:
She: should NOT supplant knowing how to look up a word in a dictionary, find a geometric proof on one's own. If we had had the Internet in MY day, I would have ACED both geometry and chemistry.
We: LOL. Maybe, maybe not. Today, as I understand it, there's so much teacher-enabled cheating out there that everyone's a winner. Not.
My first pet (in 5th grade) was a kitten that looked exactly like that...I named her Pebbles :-)
That's what drew me to your site initially was the "Beauty in unexpected places" part!
Posted by: ThereseRita | July 16, 2011 at 07:36 PM
If the intertubez went down, most 10-20 year olds would be lost.
There, I said it.
Posted by: KingShamus | July 18, 2011 at 11:09 AM
LOL. Not to mention a number of women of un certain age! :)
Posted by: Sissy Willis | July 18, 2011 at 11:12 AM
Wow, you've still got the same elephant ear plant?!?! From three or four years ago?? I presume you've got it in a planter and you take it in for the winter? Hope all is well in your neck of the woods. Love camo kitty pic.
Posted by: Miss Kelly | July 18, 2011 at 01:51 PM
Yup. Same plant. Spends the winters hibernating in the attic, then comes out for summer fun. The gift that keeps on giving.
Looks like you gave it to us back in 2007 (scroll down to second pic/caption):
How's by you? Are you on Google+ yet? ;)
Posted by: Sissy Willis | July 18, 2011 at 02:00 PM
I'd like to know how to defend my basil plant(s) from the forays by Buddy and Rusty! Guess I'll have to put them out front where Rusty is afraid to venture and where Buddy is not permitted!
Love you guys a lot. Hope you're surviving the heat okay. Me? I'm just staying in the a/c and I'm happy to say that my electric bill has remained fairly reasonable thanks to a good unit and excellent windows throughout! Whew!
I also run a fan in the living room during the hottest part of the day which Buddy dislikes intensely. It's entertainment for me as he finds myriad ways to skirt the issue when the fan is in motion!
Posted by: Gayle Miller | July 26, 2011 at 01:56 PM