"Did you say that?" we twittered Illinois Michigan Congressman and transcendent presidential candidate Thad McCotter (above) a moment ago, wounded that our constitutional-conservative hero — he of the Red Eye, Seize Freedom silver tongue — had reportedly said something so profoundly shtupid:
"We cannot unite America if we divide the movement," McCotter warned. "Consequently, the time has come for the Tea party to grow up and the Republican Party to wake up and come together to serve and save this great nation."
Time to grow up? From our venerable roost here on the Medicare side of the henhouse we lashed out with wounded pride:
Many teapartiers, long in the tooth of life are spring chickens in the world of politics. Please don't ask us to "grow up." Thank you.
Thank you, Congressman McCotter, for getting it:
When Col. West is called a RINO, politically they must mature or all is lost; and GOP must wake up & realize validity of Tea Party concerns.
YAH. As we twittered back:
I totally adore Col. West. He is a shining star in the firmament on high.
We're pretty sure it's going to be okay. Our sis says we have a heart too soon made glad. But isn't that the essence of the American Dream?
Update: Michelle Malkin Buzzworthy link!
Update II: We loved this from Frank in the comments at The Hill:
It's the tea party that is causing the republican party to grow up and revitalize.
Crossposted at Riehl World View and Liberty Pundits.
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