"Heh. Is that Earl Grey and Little Kitteh?" twittered Stout Cat this afternoon re Simon's Cat's latest comic strip, excerpts below:
"The course of true love never did run smooth." Click here for full strip.
"Funny you asked. They just had their first nose-to-nose this very morning. She chirped and he responded with friendly body language," we twittered back. In fact, she ran right up to Tiny's one true love, intoxicated with his alpha-male pheromones [?] and planted a series of exploratory kisses on his beautiful mug.
Earl seemed intrigued. Does he remember his own true love, our angel baby? He still stops by most days and hangs around a bit, sometimes but not always taking a nip of the weed.
This was the first day he's come by when Little Kitteh was running free outside. Will she comfort his aching heart as she has ours?
Lovely and sweet, your Little Kitteh, and Earl Gray all manly (catly?) and handsome!
Looks like it might just be a match made in feline Heaven!
Posted by: Stoutcat | July 27, 2011 at 05:44 PM
I'm besotted with them both! Although, my primary swooning is reserved for Rusty and Buddy, my own two redheaded boys!
Posted by: Gayle Miller | July 28, 2011 at 02:16 AM
Looks like another Chelsea Kitteh Clowdah is forming . . . best wishes to them both. Please keep us posted!
Posted by: Connecticut Yankee | July 28, 2011 at 10:22 PM