"I can see the Bunker Hill Monument in Charlestown from my front porch!" we twittered early afternoon. Sarah Palin stopped off there this morning on her "One Nation" bus tour of the nation's historical sites to retrace the footsteps of our Founding Fathers along Boston's Freedom Trail (above with daughter Piper and mother Sally Heath at the Old North Church. Steven Senne/AP photo), before heading north to a clambake with "some key NH Republicans" in Seabrook, New Hampshire. Meanwhile in other headline-grabbing news an upstaged Mitt Romney announced his 2012 candidacy at Doug and Stella Scamman's Bittersweet Farm in Stratham, NH, and the Weinergate plot thickened (pardon our pun). See below for more.
"If you recede from the public, you're accused of hiding something. If you face down your accusers, you're accused of being an attention whore," Sarah Palin told the New York Post earlier. Whoops. It wasn't Palin — though it surely could have been, given the lamestream media's relentlessly damned-if-you-do, damned-if-you-don't narrative spin on all things Palin. No. These were the words of Genette Cordova, the comely 21-year-old from Seattle who'd struck up a dreamy twitter relationship with a famous man — NY Rep. Anthony Weiner of "Mr. Skeevy's* skivvies" fame — and was now being ever so gingerly slipped under the bus by her fantasy lover in a craven attempt to save the great man's arse:
Cordova is one of 198 people, many of them pretty young women, that Weiner follows on Twitter.
She has said she is a fan of Weiner's but has never personally met the pol.
"It's a terrible thing that this poor woman got dragged into it," Weiner said yesterday on MSNBC.
But Weiner hardly oozed sympathy for Cordova, and almost seemed to cast doubt on her role in the drama while clearly concerned with his own damage control.
"She says she knows nothing about it," Weiner said of Cordova.
"And I obviously don't know anything about it."
Obviously. It seems no one but a few diehard postmodern feminists like Slate.com editor Joan Walsh are buying it. Twitterbuddy Ladd Ehlinger, Jr., aka Film Ladd, has the inside dope. As a twitter-savvy reporter just told Wolf Blitzer on CNN:
When a tweet goes bad, it's heard around the world.
More importantly, it's heard around the town, in this case NY's 9th congressional district, including parts of Brooklyn and Queens. The New York Post's editors take no prisoners:
So the man who would be mayor "can't say with certitude" whether or not the world's most famous Twitter crotch shot is of him?
Could Tony Weiner's contempt for the people of New York City be any more, well, certain?
Actually, it looks like this wiener is fully cooked.
Which is fine, because it's now clear that Rep. Anthony Weiner isn't remotely up to the ethical demands of the office he now holds — let alone those of the New York City mayoralty.
Great local political prose. Speaking of which, our own Boston Herald political reporter Joe Battenfeld got the scoop in spades re Palin vs Romney and the Northeast Corridor fuddy duddies:
Palin seems to understand what other candidates don’t right now. The 2012 campaign is going to be driven mostly by Internet buzz and social media, not scripted speeches and the network news.
Palin uses Twitter to communicate. Romney uses PowerPoint. I’m pretty sure Newt Gingrich still uses a slide projector.
The former Alaska governor also isn’t afraid to mix it up with her rivals, and the dreaded mainstream media. This strategy also ensures she will dominate the race, until or unless she gets out
(and I don’t think she will).
*Word Wealth: Skeevy. adj. Sleazy, disgusting, distasteful, shady, gross, creepy, icky. This slang word was popular in Brooklyn, NY, USA in the 1950's and 1960's. It comes from the Italian word Schifo, meaning 'disgust'. Bonus points for local lore from Twitterfriend Noel Sheppard of NewsBusters: "Not just Brooklyn. Skeevy was very popular expression on Long Island in 60s and 70s."
Update: Michelle Malkin "Buzzworthy" link!
Update II: Instalanche! Paired with one of our favorite columnists, Byron York:
Amid media circus, Palin lays out policy positions.
Crossposted at Riehl World View and Liberty Pundits.
i knew some skeevy guys from "downstate" while doing time at SUNY buffalo in the early 80's.
Damn islander glory days!
none as bad as rep weener
Posted by: joe | June 02, 2011 at 11:25 PM
thank you for reading joan walsh, so i don't have to.
Posted by: mark l. | June 03, 2011 at 12:02 AM
Let us hope that the MSM gets back to "all the news that is fit to print" instead of its current "all the news as we want you to see."
Posted by: goomp | June 03, 2011 at 10:28 AM
Beautiful picture of three women...fits your "light fantastic" motto. Love how the grandwoman is in full light, woman is in half light, and young woman is in least light, but all are absorbing part of the history in the "Old North Church".
Posted by: ltw | June 03, 2011 at 04:57 PM
ltw: Wow. Wicked evocative interpretation. :)
Posted by: Sissy Willis | June 03, 2011 at 07:08 PM