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« Krauthammer's Complaint | Main | Rep. Weiner: "You and I have different values" »

June 02, 2011


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i knew some skeevy guys from "downstate" while doing time at SUNY buffalo in the early 80's.
Damn islander glory days!
none as bad as rep weener

thank you for reading joan walsh, so i don't have to.

Let us hope that the MSM gets back to "all the news that is fit to print" instead of its current "all the news as we want you to see."

Beautiful picture of three women...fits your "light fantastic" motto. Love how the grandwoman is in full light, woman is in half light, and young woman is in least light, but all are absorbing part of the history in the "Old North Church".

ltw: Wow. Wicked evocative interpretation. :)

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