Stephen K. Bannon, Director of the epic Palin documentary "The Undefeated" — "a story of empowerment for modern women and their daughters" — talked with Stacy McCain about "the gap between the reality of Sarah Palin and the perception created by the media" at the Right Online conference in Minneapolis last weekend, where the film was previewed before what Bannon calls "the vanguard of this revolution, the bloggers."
"Sarah Palin Reportedly Quits Bus Tour Halfway Through," snarked the headline at Talking Points Memo this morning, seamlessly spinning a speculative Real Clear Politics story about "one of the most unpredictable political figures in America" into their Palin's-a-Quitter narrative of choice:
Former half-term Gov. Sarah Palin has reportedly packed in her bus tour… halfway through.
Oh, and lest we forget how stupid she is, a bit of shopworn, gratuitous boilerplate thrown in to keep the natives happy:
The bus tour was launched over Memorial Day weekend, and was particularly scrutinized after one event in Boston where Palin badly flubbed the story behind Paul Revere's ride.
The card-carrying commenters piled on with glee, signalling their membership in the tribe. Our favorite:
"the quitta from wasilla" or the "Iquitarod queen" which discribes [sic] Palin the best?
We couldn't resist and posted a guest comment of our own with links vindicating Palin — The Boston Herald's recent "Old North Church vicar defends Palin on Revere" and John Fund's July 2009 WSJ column "Why Palin Quit: Death by a Thousand FOIAs." It was too much for TPM, who promptly removed our comment without ceremony, but not before a rabid pack of regulars — irregulars? — had had a chance to pile on:
Get lost troll. Go collect your money for posting here at TPM.
Great sources. hahahaha!!!!!! America is such a great country, everyone is free to choose from which direction they take a spin [Oh, the irony!]
Two papers owned by Rupert Murdoch,* who just happens to be Palin's employer?* Is that your idea of objectivity? *I wouldn't be surprised if he was yours as well.
If only. But moving along, as we mentioned in a follow-up comment, had TPM been doing their homework, they would have discovered this bit of inconvenient truth from a June 1 ABC News report:
Palin confirmed that she's going to Boston after New York and that after the northeast, she'll go back to Alaska before re-launching the tour - called the "One Nation Tour," after all - on the West Coast.
"Sigh. Reports of Tour Demise Are Greatly Exaggerated," the deftly disintermediating Palin twittered, not without a bit of snark of her own:
I wouldn’t think it to be such a slow news day that, what with numerous wars and serious economic woes concerning Americans, a bus is driving news stories today. The next leg of the tour continues when the time comes. In the meantime, no one should jump to conclusions – certainly not the media with their long track record of getting things wrong or just making things up.
As Big Hollywood editor John Nolte twittered in awe at this latest Facebook coup:
"Sarah Palin lets the MSM climb way out on a limb before sawing it off. It's called fighting like a girl.
*Update: Twitter buddy irishspy explains:
They invoke the name [Murdoch] to banish the hated facts. :)
Update II: Michelle Malkin Buzzworthy link!
Update III: Victory Film Group links with "Sissy Willis Goes Into The Bowels Of TPM To Defend Palin:
Yes, it's messy there. Go read the whole thing.
Crossposted at Riehl World View, Cloven Not Crested and Liberty Pundits.
Very brave of you to walk into the lion's den at TPM. I hope you had a whip, chair, and bug spray handy. :)
Posted by: Irishspy | June 22, 2011 at 09:43 PM
"Two papers owned by Rupert Murdoch,* who just happens to be Palin's employer?* Is that your idea of objectivity? "
Well, as John Adams had occasion to say during his defense of the British soldiers on trial for the Boston Massacre (and no, that is not a reference to the recent Stanley Cup), "facts are stubborn things." Mr. Murdoch is certainly free to print them, but he does not have a monopoly on such efforts. Facts could be printed by the vintage media as well, if they would only trouble themselves to do so. Instead, they have far too much fun tittering over the suspension of tea bags and bus tours, never troubling their weary heads to find out the how or why. Don't worry, we will continue to try to protect your freedom, whether you understand the world we live in or not.
Posted by: nicholas | June 22, 2011 at 10:33 PM
MSM = Main Stream Mudslingers.
Posted by: goomp | June 23, 2011 at 08:53 AM
rus 6-23-2011 2:39pm PDT
How can I believe the negative comments about Sarah Palin using dirty words?
I doubted the integrity of those who insulted the Palin's family?
I will do my research the truth about Sarah Palin who suffered a lot because of these insults.
Posted by: Rusby Gepielago | June 23, 2011 at 05:50 PM
THANK YOU for posting this. I'm glad I found your blog!!
Common Cents
Posted by: Steve | June 27, 2011 at 12:24 PM
The media just can't freakin' help themselves. When they can't find anything to report about her they just make stuff up.
Posted by: cctv security camera | September 14, 2011 at 12:21 PM