"I want to be the one to walk in the sun," Cyndi Lauper explains in "Girls Just Want To Have Fun," a pop cultural artifact that mystically embodies the spirit of Sarah Palin's fierce determination and authentic American voice that captured the hearts and minds of so many of us burgeoning Tea Partiers way back when. Or so we think.
"Krauthammer cannot 'get out more,'" writes blog buddy Gayle Miller of And you thought YOU were Cranky in the comments to our previous post, "Sarah Palin loves New York!" We were going to mention Gayle's observations in an update, but they're so darned insightful and well expressed that we're giving her top billing:
It would shake his complacently settled view of the world! Much as I adore the man — and his brilliant mind — and much as I am of an age with the Northeast Corridor fuddy duddies, what has happened is that mentally I have remained fresh and young! I revel in the uproar and turmoil attendant since Mrs. Palin's arrival on the scene. May it continue long enough to dispose of all of those fusty mental midgets that the "Elite Media" is trying to foist on the right! The so-called frontrunners are nothing more than the people being promoted in the media right now, much as they promoted John McCain in 2008. Once he had the nomination, they crucified him, and that's what they'll do with the new Republican nominee — if they are permitted to do so.
Couldn't have said it better ourselves.
Update: More good thoughts from elaine in the comments:
I usually like Dr. K, too; but when it comes to Palin or the Tea Party, he, like so many of the beltway in-crowd, has a huge blind spot. Remember how he and his fuddy-duddy pals poo-pooed the TPers when the movement got started? And then kept on poo-pooing them even when it became clear they weren't going away any time soon? Dr. K and his pals like to talk about the electorate, as if they know our minds, but they've been behind the curve the whole way. At every step, they've misjudged. And they're the ones ostensibly on OUR side!!! Dr. K can make all the smarty-smart pronouncements that he likes that Palin isn't electable. Just because he said it doesn't make it so. I'm looking forward to the day when I can say, "Told you so!" to fuds like him …
Crossposted at Riehl World View, Cloven Not Crested and Liberty Pundits.
I usually like Dr. K, too; but when it comes to Palin or the Tea Party, he, like so many of the beltway in-crowd, has a huge blind spot. Remember how he and his fuddy-duddy pals poo-pooed the TPers when the movement got started? And then kept on poo-pooing them even when it became clear they weren't going away any time soon?
Dr. K and his pals like to talk about the electorate, as if they know our minds, but they've been behind the curve the whole way. At every step, they've misjudged. And they're the ones ostensibly on OUR side!!!
Dr. K can make all the smarty-smart pronouncements that he likes that Palin isn't electable. Just because he said it doesn't make it so.
I'm looking forward to the day when I can say, "Told you so!" to fuds like him...
Posted by: elaine | June 02, 2011 at 02:30 AM
Elaine, I like how you think! And thanks Sissy for your comments. They came after a particularly stressful day and helped make me feel a lot more positive. Hit a curb, tore a massive hole in my right rear tire, then AAA couldn't get their trucks into the garage where my car was parked to install the "donut". Finally, AAA sent someone competent and then the lobby guard in my building recommended the Midas Service Center located in Chinatown (Washington, D.C.) who stayed open past closing to accommodate my tire situation and made sure to install the right tires, properly, for not a horrendous amount of money! Then I got to drive 51 miles home in a hailstorm which, thankfully, abated 25 miles from home.
The kitties were waiting for me and I gratefully surrendered to purr-fect attention! After they got their supper, of course! Kitties have their priorities and it's a wise woman who caters to them.
Posted by: Gayle Miller | June 02, 2011 at 09:28 AM