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May 30, 2011


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Great photos of mood changes.

I wasn't aware that Tuck required a navigator - and such a cute one at that!

Oh, yes. He has always depended upon the navigational skills of our feline betters. See "Baby is my Co-pilot

You can almost hear the kitty whispers for Tuck to "turn here". LOL.

Oh my gosh! You weren't playing John Denver were you? A long time ago when my husband and I were newlyweds we had two cats, Tiger and Bear. Tiger was the female and Bear was the male. We used to put the cats in the car with us when we traveled and back then we didn't even know about cat carriers.

Back then my husband really liked John Denver. Me? Not so much. Tiger agreed with me wholeheartedly.

One day Bob was playing John Denver singing, "Take Me Home, Country Roads", and Tiger jumped up behind his seat and grabbed him on the head with both paws, started nipping at him, and chirping, "At, at, at, at!" Tiger really didn't like John Denver. Bob had to turn it off.

Tiger really looked a lot like your LK.

Brings back sweet memories.

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