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« Reading the catnip leaves | Main | Marco Rubio, "a man in a field of mice" »

May 25, 2011


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Yes, I think this a reaction promulgated by scare tactics like the YouTube video of the old woman getting dumped from the wheelchair.

Everything's in play now, including the emotions of an older voting bloc.

This little development will sort out much for the Conservative Ascendancy. RINOs will fold on MediScare (Scott Brown, I'm looking at you), principled conservatives will shout "I have not yet begun to fight!" (John Paul Jones - the Naval Commander not the bass player)

“Because the Only Good Progressive is a Failed Progressive”

The reason why it is important to have as many conservatives in the race is clear: To pressure RINOS TO FISH OR CUT BAITE on their ideas. Meaning push them to the right.

Guess what, the Ryan Plan is dead.

And no, NY-26 did not kill the bill, it was dead the very moment it passed in the House.

For all those who forgot, Democrats control the Senate and White house. Right or wrong, without backing from Democrats, the Ryan Plan never had a chance.

If there is a lesson to be learned here it is that big problems do not get solved via one party solutions. ObamaCare may have squeaked by, but it cost Democrats the House.

But MediScare will hand the House right back to Democrats in 2012 unless the GOP sits down and negotiates a bi-partisan solution to the Medicare problem and our country's impending budget doom.

Brian O'Connor

Brian: Intriguing. I totally respect your opinion but just don't wanna believe. We'll see, huh?

Something definitely needs to be done, but if Republicans ignore the path of bi-partisanship, we will be left with nothing less than MediScare demagoguery.

Brian O'Connor

Something definitely needs to be done, but if Republicans ignore the path of bi-partisanship, we will be left with nothing less than MediScare demagoguery.
And once that "demagoguery" is firmly in place then what? The California model nationwide?

Think of what you want best instead of just the "Shining Complicity on the Hill"!

What the economy is doing in 2012 may be more important than Medicare.

You understand it takes a majority to pass a bill, right?

You can "think of what you want best" all day long, but nothing gets done without the approval of 218 Representatives, 60 Senators and the President of the United States.

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