Rush caller former Navy Seal Greg says "I believe that President Obama's hand was forced in [assaulting Osama's compound], and this is just a crass, political decision. When I hear people say that this took courage, I just believe he was absolutely forced into doing this … I assure you the information would have been leaked prior to the election cycle, and he would have had to have dealt with that, and frankly, if that came to knowledge late in the election cycle, our next president would be either Hillary Clinton or whoever the Republicans run." Everybody on both sides of the aisle has an opinion about it. Update: "Did Wikileaks Force Obama's Hand?"
"Bush declines Obama invitation to visit Ground Zero with him," twittered Howard Kurtz this evening, more in sorrow than in anger:
I wish he'd accepted. Would have been a nice moment for the country
"Wow," we twittered back. A "nice moment for the country"? Gak. We ourselves had been on alert for the JournoList spin machine to go into high gear crediting the President and discrediting his predecessor the moment news broke that our guys had bagged Osama bin Laden over there on Sunday:
Hadn't realized how naive a sophisticated journalist could be. It's all about spinning the narrative, Howard. #JournoList #Soros #JohnPodesta #CenterForAmericanProgress
Mr. Kurtz seems like a well-intentioned fellow, quick on his feet, amusing to read at The Daily Beast and listen to as host of "Reliable Sources" on CNN, but what kind of navel-gazing kumbaya bubble does the nation's "most influential media reporter" inhabit to have missed the story of the century? As we twittered this morning, citing Andrew Breitbart's appearance on Hugh Hewitt's radio show:
It's the narrative, stupid.
Hewitt quotes from Andrew's book — the one we just read in the Kindle app on our desktop — Righteous Indignation: Excuse Me While I Save the World! currently Number 1 best seller on Amazon:
The left does not win its battles in debate. It doesn't have to. In the twenty-first century, media is everything. The left wins because it controls the narrative. The narrative is controlled by the media. The left is the media. The narrative is everything.
"You're saying you've seen through it," says Hugh. "Does the rest of the country see through it?" Here's Andrew:
We can't let them weigh the narrative down. If you just sit back and say oh, it's just twitter, oh it's just Think Progress … Twitter and Think Progress certainly feed the MSNBC beast so we can't play by Marquess of Queensbury Rules, we can't expect that George Will, Charles Krauthammer columns are going to win the day. Those are afterthoughts. We have to fight at the moment that these people start to lay their vile narrative.
Update: Michelle Malkin Buzzworthy link!
Update II: Michelle and others are making the argument that GW should have accepted President Obama's invitation to join him tomorrow at Ground Zero, but we're inclined to agree with Pat Dollard's argument on twitter:
Every time you try to appease a liberal with your speech you live a lie and you betray Conservatism.
What would Andrew Breitbart do?
Crossposted at Riehl World View and Liberty Pundits.
this is turning into the liberal equivalent of jessica lynch story.
the supporting evidence to the growing liklihood that the obama admin was sitting on ubl, and got nervous, is to be found in the wikileaks release of the courier's name, days before the op proceeded.
starting to resent the admin, further, for keeping the photo/video private. how long can the govt go on demonstrating that they are the 'haves', and the american public is the 'have-nots'.
it's not like this is a new policy for them.
Posted by: mark l. | May 04, 2011 at 01:05 AM
Let us hope that we the People can wrest the narrative from those who would control us.
Posted by: goomp | May 04, 2011 at 09:09 AM
I want to see President Obama gone in January of 2013, but this is his moment and our moment and I would just like to enjoy it for now. And, I think George W Bush did the right thing to not go, showing he is a class act. There will be time enough for politics later.
Regards — Cliff
Posted by: C R Krieger | May 06, 2011 at 01:03 PM