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April 05, 2011


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Those birds have such aquiline profiles...thanks for the story and links.

OT, as a chemist, I don't recommend you trans fats - but I won't stop you from eating them and nor should anyone else. :)

chickelit: Fortunately, the lard I get from the heartland has no trans fats, unlike the typical bit you might find in your super.

Sissy, we have been transfixed and moved by this pair and their young eaglets. We've experienced real dread a couple of times this week when the eldest hatchling found himself outside of the nesting bowl...Imagine over 150,000 viewers and our stomachs churning over the fate of this tiny creature.

Thanks for writing about the Decorah eagles. The more I watch the more I come to believe our Founders chose exactly the right bird as our national symbol. I pray for America and hope we can rise to this level of greatness again.

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