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April 16, 2011


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Sarah has the spirt of America as do the Tea Party supporters. Keep the home fires burning while the bonfire of freedom grows.

"Sarah Palin just redrew the electoral map"

So a an often mentioned but unofficial gop candidate... remains mentioned and unofficial. How did this change anything exactly? Apparently she gave a speech her supporters quite liked. Good for her but not exactly game changing, if it were Obama would have changed the game every other week for the last two years.

AWESOME SPEECH and we have it posted now on Common Cents......


I'd be shocked if Palin wasn't running for Prez after this speech.

Game on, indeed.

Sarah Palin just redrew the electoral map

Yes, she did. I think commenter Tialoc missed your point. Palin gave a relevant speech "out-of-turn" regarding the electoral map. This changes things. It shows that leaders like Palin can better measure the pulse of the body politic because of coverage reported and relayed here and elsewhere (Not that Sarah Palin reads or follows Sissy and Althouse--she should though).

"I think commenter Tialoc missed your point. Palin gave a relevant speech 'out-of-turn' regarding the electoral map. This changes things. It shows that leaders like Palin can better measure the pulse of the body politic because of coverage reported and relayed here and elsewhere"

You're conflating "gave a speech I like" with "able to measure the pulse of the body politic." In other words your assuming that if you like something everyone must. Palin's negative favorability strongly suggests that you are not in the mainstream with your view of her.

So again: what exactly changed here? The people who like her still like her. The people who don;t like her still don't like her. She's still not declared a candidacy. What *exactly* changed?

What *exactly* changed?

Yes, she still has her supporters and that has not changed.

But now she's taking her message and her cause directly to those who wish to shut her down. This is inspiring.

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