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April 02, 2011


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Great post!
Down in here in the coastal flat lands of Tidewater Virginia, we have a pair nesting at the Norfolk Botanical Gardens. 3 eggs and 2 eaglets this year! The first link is the live cam, it's down this morning. The other is from the VA Fish and game.



fantastic shots. (i can't get ustream to work on my computers, so thanks for the stills.)

there's an eagles' nest about 300 yards from my house, but no one has yet been brave enough to climb the tree to take pics, let alone wire it for internet.

i'll just pretend those are my eagles---though they'll have to fend for themselves, as my old, indoor cat has never had the taste of mouse. (a chameleon that once made it inside when a door was left open too long managed to escape alive, though missing his tail. it must not have been too tasty.)

The eaglecam is up and running. Warning, it is very windy here in SE Virginia, so you may get a little woozy watching this.

I have a nesting pair of Eagles in my backyard on Saratoga Lake NY. Here's a link to view the pic's

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