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« We lost our angel baby this morning | Main | Will "Who is John Galt?" be the "Hope and Change" of tomorrow? »

April 11, 2011


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Time spent with dear friends is a treasure.

Oh sweetie, I just found out. I am so sorry. She's taken the Rainbow Bridge and is with Baby and my Dodger and Mally and Raven puppy.

the emptiness and pain is a tribute to her.

you are merely behaving as she would, had she lost you.

given the two choices of not being able to serve a cat for it's entire life, versus abandoning it to a life without you, is what matters in the final equation.

crass as it may sound, better for you to suffer at her loss, than vice versa.

i'll send some pics of my maine coon...
mine would do well to look half as noble as yours.

Buddy and Rusty send their abiding love to Sissy and Tuck. They spent yesterday afternoon sitting on the deck, nose to nose, staring at each other, for reasons only cats understand! The laughter generated was one small reminder of why we cherish these mystical creatures so thoroughly!

The shameless campaign for treats is another reason. Cats are so elementally greedy for the things they truly want! It's actually quite reassuring.

Well said. :)

In fact, it is their very earnestness that I most admire.

Oh dearest Sissy and Tuck
I checked the site for the latest update after being gone for a bit, only to find such sad news. Alan and I send our condolences and love.
How fortunate for you and Tiny to have been able to share the last fifteen years together. I am sure Tiny knew in that primal cat way that she was loved unconditionally. What a gift to give, and get. And pain is the price of love.

"I can conjure her up via the magic of memory whenever I wish" - What a beautiful comfort


Dear Carol,

Thank you for your wonderful words of comfort. Hadn't allowed the tears to fall enough. Now they are flowing.

And pain is the price of love. So true.

I think often and fondly of you and Alan and Snowball.


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