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March 17, 2011


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I kind of understand what's motivating such as Krauthammer and Rove, it's hard to see your relevance deteriorating although in Krauthammer's case, his mind is a golden treasure always. But when you reach a certain age, grumpiness sets in and doesn't go away. That shouldn't, however, keep a person from being open to new ideas and new political movements and it certainly didn't in my case. Sarah Palin had a lot to learn when she first burst upon the scene, but we shouldn't be permitting our first hesitations to become fossilized! She has grown and developed and is now truly a force to be reckoned with on so many levels. I would work for her and support her and VOTE for her! And I'm 69 years old!

The "Palin Doctrine".


Maybe the start of honest analysis in the media?

hate to break it to you Pasadena PHil, but taht's not "the media", that's an outside contribution to the NY sun from someone who's already made no bones about being a strong supporter of Palin.

The fact that she has been first on many issues shows her courage, but the fact that she is right, apparently each time, is even more exceptional. Very Presidential.

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