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« Palin "ruffles a lot of feathers because she plays by her own rules" | Main | The supporting role of political spouse did not suit Ms. Taylor »

March 19, 2011


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A female Republican president is the Democrats' (and the media's) absolute worst nightmare.

The left has been laughing at, and looking down on, people for so long, they have forgotten that is possible to use humor in any other way. This is why liberal "comedians" aren't funny, just mean.

Let us hope that the American people become aware of the true worth of our politicians and endorse the love of freedom and faith in the wisdom of our founders as shown by our potential leader Sarah Palin.

I think Ambrcat nailed it. They don't know the difference between laughing at and laughing with anymore.

She's done everything I thought she would since the second she resigned as governor. This is great. I can't wait to see her debate The One live. She'll knock him out of the park as well.

I beg to differ with "Army of Davids", a female Republican president is almost their worst nightmare, a non-white female Republican president would be their worst nightmare. Still, Sarah Palin must give them plenty of anxiety.

As to qualifications if BHO can be elected or lets say is viewed as "qualified" for the "job" of President then so is Palin. That does not necessarily say much about either. But, as a human being and her ability to articulate and with regard to most of her ideas they make a heck of a lot more sense than BHO.

I beg to differ with "Army of Davids", a female Republican president is almost their worst nightmare, a non-white female Republican president would be their worst nightmare. Still, Sarah Palin must give them plenty of anxiety.

Palin/Rice 2012!

I commute 51 miles each way to work and riding in my car on most of those trips is a nominal Republican - even a nominal conservative who still quotes the Washington Post (aka Pravda on the Potomac) reflexively as though it is the font of all that is intelligent and worthwhile. And since I am driving and would prefer not to be agitated when I'm behind the wheel, I don't really refute any but the more outrageous lies she believes uncritically. In fact, she said yesterday that she was sure Sarah Palin was out of the race for 2012 because "I haven't read anything about her in the Washington Post" - I just let it go. Some people aren't educable.

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