"Gov Palin knocked it out of the park … a liberty-driven, optimistic vision of America & her exceptionalism," twittered Palinista and Big Journalism columnist Whitney Pitcher a couple of hours ago in the afterglow of Sarah Palin's meme-challenging keynote to sophisticates at the "India Today Conclave" in New Delhi earlier today (last night on the other side of the globe). More below. Update: Full transcript and video of keynote & Q & A.
"The people of India seem to know who the Front Runner is regardless of the American MSM," says one of the commenters at Conservatives4Palin, weighing in on Palin's historic keynote address — "My Vision of America" — to a high-rolling and subtly responsive "India Today Conclave" audience streamed live this morning from New Delhi. We and the immediate Palinosphere were virtually there, along with the usual contingent of Palin Derangement Syndrome sufferers from Palin's "lamestream media," live tweeting and cranking out our takes on what it might all mean. In case you missed it, The Right Scoop has the video of the scintillating Q & A following the speech (speech itself to come, will link here when it becomes available), together with some quotable quotes from Jedediah Bila's live tweets.
“One thing I learned is that you cannot trust the mainstream media to accurately report on [your record and accomplishments],” Sarah told her interlocutor, businessman and Editor-in-Chief of India Today Aroon Purie. “You have to have the boldness, the courage to set the record straight yourself."
Beyond the expected reflexive swoons from Sissy — Tea-Party, constitutional-conservative, "girls just wanna have fun" Palin Fan from Day One that we are — we'd just like to say that Politico's early take on Palin's performance pulls back the curtain — yet one more time — on the rift between Codevilla's Ruling Class and us Country Class citizens who aren't going to take this any more. A few exerpts:
While Palin was quick to get into some of her favorite talking points, her appearance at the conference got off to a rough start.
India Today Editor-in-Chief Aroon Purie, who introduced her to the gathering, poked fun at Palin's "creative vocabulary" and her polarizing place in American politics in his introduction of the former governor.
Purie identified Palin as the "the sexiest brand in Republican politics" and frequently made clear that not everyone in the United States has a positive view of the former Alaska governor.
"Either you love her or hate her," he said …
"Governor Palin, I hope you don't refudiate me," he said, smirking to an amused crowd.
"Smirking to an amused crowd"? Not. Had you been there, as we were, virtually, with an open mind and a willing heart, you would have read Aroon Purie's twinkling smile and playful banter as anything but a smirk. A consummate master of ceremonies, he melted the hearts and minds of his honored guest and the distinguished audience with not a smirk but a witty acknowledgement of a tired CW narrative that no one but the MSM was buying any more. The last word goes to another Conservatives4Palin commenter, who won our own heart and mind with his reportage of the American Dream, alive and well:
I just watched this with my Parents, who immigrated from India. They LOVE Sarah now. Once someone hears Sarah unfiltered, they know how Brilliant She is. She did hit it out of the park.
Update: Instalanche!!!
Update II: Michelle Malkin Buzzworthy link!
Update III: Nice Deb has quotable quotes and links to further coverage:
“One thing I learned is that you cannot trust the mainstream media to accurately report on [your record and accomplishments],” she said. “You have to have the boldness, the courage to set the record straight yourself.”
Update IV: Good buddy Peter Ingemi of Da Techguy's Blog links with "Who are you going to believe?"
Crossposted at Riehl World View, Cloven Not Crested and Liberty Pundits.
A female Republican president is the Democrats' (and the media's) absolute worst nightmare.
Posted by: Army of Davids | March 19, 2011 at 05:13 PM
The left has been laughing at, and looking down on, people for so long, they have forgotten that is possible to use humor in any other way. This is why liberal "comedians" aren't funny, just mean.
Posted by: Ambrcat | March 19, 2011 at 05:24 PM
Let us hope that the American people become aware of the true worth of our politicians and endorse the love of freedom and faith in the wisdom of our founders as shown by our potential leader Sarah Palin.
Posted by: goomp | March 19, 2011 at 06:02 PM
I think Ambrcat nailed it. They don't know the difference between laughing at and laughing with anymore.
Posted by: Kathy Kinsley | March 19, 2011 at 06:10 PM
She's done everything I thought she would since the second she resigned as governor. This is great. I can't wait to see her debate The One live. She'll knock him out of the park as well.
Posted by: teapartydoc | March 19, 2011 at 07:23 PM
I beg to differ with "Army of Davids", a female Republican president is almost their worst nightmare, a non-white female Republican president would be their worst nightmare. Still, Sarah Palin must give them plenty of anxiety.
Posted by: Evan | March 19, 2011 at 09:51 PM
As to qualifications if BHO can be elected or lets say is viewed as "qualified" for the "job" of President then so is Palin. That does not necessarily say much about either. But, as a human being and her ability to articulate and with regard to most of her ideas they make a heck of a lot more sense than BHO.
Posted by: martin j smith | March 20, 2011 at 07:34 AM
I beg to differ with "Army of Davids", a female Republican president is almost their worst nightmare, a non-white female Republican president would be their worst nightmare. Still, Sarah Palin must give them plenty of anxiety.
Palin/Rice 2012!
Posted by: Thucydides | March 20, 2011 at 09:16 PM
I commute 51 miles each way to work and riding in my car on most of those trips is a nominal Republican - even a nominal conservative who still quotes the Washington Post (aka Pravda on the Potomac) reflexively as though it is the font of all that is intelligent and worthwhile. And since I am driving and would prefer not to be agitated when I'm behind the wheel, I don't really refute any but the more outrageous lies she believes uncritically. In fact, she said yesterday that she was sure Sarah Palin was out of the race for 2012 because "I haven't read anything about her in the Washington Post" - I just let it go. Some people aren't educable.
Posted by: Gayle Miller | March 25, 2011 at 05:15 PM