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« Sarah Palin, the GOP "blue bloods" and "The aristocracy of nature" | Main | Palin's Passage to India »

March 18, 2011


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Thank heavens for Tiny's Mom and Sarah Palin! Two powerful, effective, beautiful human beings!

I'll always favor conservatives over Republicans...even if Democrats win an election.

Well said, BWP.

We might as well have this fight now. At some point, we have to kick out the Ruling Class. Better now than later.

The truth, the real Sarah Palin is nothing like the media’s description of her. Eventually, reality will come to light - opponents can only keep it in the dark for so long - and therefore time is on her side.

Sarah has stood up to corrupt Republicans, and corrupt oil companies, and anybody else in order to do her job and serve the people. She shows no fear of the Obama regime including the press. For more than two years, she has been THE target - putting herself in political harm’s way. For her, the cause has been worth it. She earns her support.

Integrity! The courage and the integrity to fight for the principles of freedom which our founding fathjers stood for and to put these above saying what one thinks will get one elected are lacking in most mordern-day politicians. Sarah is a woman of integrity and frightens those who lack it. Let us hope those who enjoy the freedom of America realize it.

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