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March 25, 2011


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That she is remembered with so much love is a wonderful legacy indeed.

That's lovely Sissy!

And so she lives on in the person of your wonderful self Ms. Sissy and the lovely woman who is your sister. And most of all, she lives on vibrant and beautiful in goomp's happy memory.

I think we all should be grateful to those two impetuous kids for eloping. Else how would we have you to entertain and enlighten us, eh? Answer me that one!

My beloved mother frequently told me that nobody was really gone if they lived on in just one other person's memory. Which is why my mother is alive and well and living in my heart!

What a sweet way to celebrate your parents.

Well done, Sissy.

Thank you, my friends, for your kind comments. :)

Happy Anniversary to Mummy and Goomp. I wish she were still here with you all too! Blessed by such love you all are!

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