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« Thad McCotter: "This is not a nostalgic 'anti-colonial uprising' from within" | Main | Sarah Palin and "the fable of the leftists" »

February 05, 2011


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The idea that suppression of freedom will make human nature angelic is the fable of the leftists. Freedom as practiced for two hundred years in the USA produced the kindest most generous and most prosperous society the world has ever known.

The idea that suppression of freedom will make human nature angelic is the fable of the leftists. Freedom as practiced for two hundred years in the USA produced the kindest most generous and most prosperous society the world has ever known.
However, the leftists do not see America that way. They see only the warts and refuse to recognize the good.

With God as your witness

To the first comment. From your keyboard to God's ears.

If not to God's ears, at least to Glenn's. ;)

"However, the leftists do not see America that way. They see only the warts and refuse to recognize the good."

Or said another way, "Democrats blame America for faults and unfairness created by prior Democrats (e.g., slavery, the KKK, etc.)"

"The idea that suppression of freedom will make human nature angelic is the fable of the leftists. Freedom as practiced for two hundred years in the USA produced the kindest most generous and most prosperous society the world has ever known."

This bears repeating a few million times. There are a sh*tload of fools in government, media and academia who don't seem to be able to wrap their rabid little minds around it.

It does bear repeating & to that effect I've posted it on my Facebook page with proper attribution

@momo: While the Democrats do tend to "... blame America for faults and unfairness created by prior Democrats.." They did not create slavery but did create segregation.

The idea that suppression of freedom will make human nature angelic is the fable of the leftists. Freedom as practiced for two hundred years in the USA produced the kindest most generous and most prosperous society the world has ever known.

There is another fable that stands refuted by that fact: the notion that suppression of freedom is necessary in order to contain human nature's "base" elements.

(The error that is common to both fables, is the notion of human nature as being somehow "defective". Like the rest of nature, it cannot be "defective".... it just is.)

Last night a contestant on Millionaire bombed out when asked to choose which of these words is not in the Declaration of Independence: liberty, justice, freedom, peace.

"Freedom" is the correct answer. Why did the founding fathers emphasize liberty? Because freedom includes license and liberty does not.

'There's a whole army of patriotic Davids out there across this great country ready to stand up and to speak out in defense of liberty, and these Davids aren't afraid to tell Goliath "don't tread on me."'

Sure are...

So today there are a lot of people looking around, looking for the next Ronald Reagan, but he was one of a kind, and you're not going to find his kind again.

The idea that suppression of freedom will make human nature angelic is the fable of the leftists.

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