"If people want to write more than 140 characters, they need to start a blog," and "Let us cut off the ramblers," wrote fellow twitterers yesterday in a TweetDeck Support thread responding to a gratuitous "upgrading" of the app with something called Deck.ly that made longer tweets the default. We commend the Twitter staff for responding in record time with an option to disable the bug feature for us purists who share Thomas Jefferson's view that "the most valuable of all talents is that of never using two words when one will do." Above, house next door boarded up. There goes the neighborhood.
"Knuckle-Dragging Neanderthal Community outraged at Sarah Palin's truth telling. Rick Santorum busy changing diapers," we twittered this morning in a 140-character-or-fewer analysis of internecine battles flaring up amongst cabin-fevered members of our tribe. It's SO sandbox, as TIME explains:
Former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum, who is exploring a bid for the Republican nomination, told S.E. Cupp, who hosts an online radio show on Glenn Beck's website, that Sarah Palin is skipping CPAC because of her "business opportunities" and "other responsibilities" such as raising her five children.
"I don't live in Alaska and I'm not the mother to all these kids and I don't have other responsibilities that she has,” said Santorum.
Sarah reloaded and came roaring back with vintage Palin on Hannity last night:
Sarah Palin made clear Wednesday night that she took offense at Rick Santorum’s suggestion she’s not attending CPAC because she’s out making money and taking care of her kids, calling his claims “uninformed” and saying she will leave it to his wife to label him a “knuckle-dragging Neanderthal.”
We loved twitter buddy Ruth Anne Adams's 140-or-fewer-character retort:
And in response to our own diaper-changing tweet above:
I thought so, too, when I heard it. Santorum? Prig.
Back to CPAC, where Snippy Santorum and others representing various points on the spectrum, aka "legs of the conservative stool" — social, fiscal and national security — are throwing their hats into the ring. Chris Cillizza sets the scene:
The Conservative Political Action Conference — a sort of unofficial kickoff to the 2012 presidential race — opens today in Washington, D.C.
The three-day gathering will feature speeches by seven men and one woman — Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann — in various stages of deciding about presidential runs.
"Of the eight speeches, none will draw more attention than the one Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels will deliver tomorrow," says Cillizza:
Not only will Daniels be speaking at 7:30 pm — a spot likely to draw a large audience — but he will also have to deal with the fallout from his past calls for a "truce" on social issues. CPAC attendees are vocal — both for those they like and those they don't — so Daniels will need to be at his best to win over what almost certainly will be a skeptical crowd.
The social issues. It could get nasty. Some of our best friends on Twitter and in the blogosphere are taking sides. The Right Scoop covers the bases, suggesting some may be overreacting. Meanwhile, we're watching CPAC live on the desktop:
This year’s conference will also feature many nods to the growing prominence of the Tea Party. In fact, CPAC will be book-ended by two favorites of the movement — Bachmann, who is one of this morning’s first speakers, and freshman Florida Republican Rep. Allen West, who accepted the coveted closing-night keynote speaking slot at the conference.
Update: Michelle Malkin Buzzworthy link!
Update II: From Doug Ross, who links:
Santorum responded, "I've discussed this with Sarah through an intermediary. She's fine I'm fine. This is another instance of liberal media [Politico] spinning a comment by implying something that just wasn't there."
Crossposted at Riehl World View, Cloven Not Crested and Liberty Pundits.
Rick(Sanatorium)Santorum is a sardine. He can't swim in deep water with the Barracuda.
Posted by: Tawny Jones | February 10, 2011 at 12:33 PM
Let's face it. Muslim males aren't the only men afraid of women.
Posted by: goomp | February 10, 2011 at 12:38 PM
Tawny: LOVE it!
Goomp: As long as they know their place. ;D
Posted by: Sissy Willis | February 10, 2011 at 02:04 PM
Oh please. Listen to him actually make the comments. He was basically saying she's a busy person doing responsible things like making business decisions and taking care of her kids. That was why he thought she might have skipped CPAC (which is what he was asked). Don't swallow the liberal bait.
Posted by: WillOTP | February 10, 2011 at 07:35 PM
Santorum is simply pathetic. Like Huckabee minus a sense of humor.
Posted by: dr kill | February 10, 2011 at 08:25 PM
On Glenn Beck's radio program this morning he and Cupp discussed the interview and her complete astonishment, she said, at how this has mushroomed. Cupp told Beck she didn't hear what, evidently, so many others are hearing and would have confronted Santorum if she believed he was being disrespectful of Palin.
Quite honestly, I didn't hear whatever the big deal is, either. I have been around since the flood and this is really one of the dopiest "controversies" I've heard in over 40 years.
Frankly, if this is what we're fixating upon while everything is crashing around us...well, I don't have much hope for us. This is the kind of BS/PC conflab one usually hears in the British media.
Posted by: Stardog235 | February 10, 2011 at 11:02 PM
Loved Palin's response. Palin's response, to me seems to be putting Rick Santorum in the position of having to own up to "speaking" on behalf of accomplished women. I remember Santorum seemingly taking a pot shot, via speaking for his wife regarding Palin's resignation from Alaska's governorship. After all, Karen Santorum is a very busy, accomplished woman herself...which Palin probably knows full well.
Posted by: wtl | February 11, 2011 at 01:59 PM
See, I think Santorum has a lot of good ideas. His book was a well-written passionate defense of the family, rather than the government, being the primary educator in American society.
Having said that, it's good that Santorum backed off. He can't win that kind of rhetorical battle with Palin. If he's going for the 2012 GOP nomination, he's going to have to do better than that.
Posted by: KingShamus | February 13, 2011 at 12:13 PM
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Posted by: Domgreemallom | August 19, 2011 at 03:59 AM