"Your Cairo statement rings true. Am I right here," we twittered Rep. Thad McCotter this afternoon, linking our own tweet (above), a layman's take on the ongoing Middle East turmoil based upon keeping our virtual ear to the ground in the last period of time:
This is what's really happening. Muslim Brotherhood poised to co-opt restless populations thoughout Middle East.
"Yes, you are right," McCotter direct-messaged back. We're inclined to take the Michigan Congressman's well-considered assessments seriously. Any politician who can hold his own on Greg Gutfeld's transcendent, "take no prisoners" Red Eye on Fox in the wee hours is top salesman in the global marketplace of ideas. A few excerpts from McCotter's "Statement on Egyptian Crisis: America Must Stand with Her Ally Egypt" — a counterpoint to the standard-issue "let my people go" narrative spin that seems to be dominating the airwaves — and then, as might be expected, a few thoughts of our own. Here's our Thad:
The Egyptian demonstrations are not the equivalent of Iran's 2009 Green Revolution. The Egyptian demonstrations are the reprise of Iran's 1979 radical revolution.
Thus, America must stand with her ally Egypt to preserve an imperfect government capable of reform; and prevent a tyrannical government capable of harm …
Though many will be tempted to superficially interpret the Egyptian demonstrations as an uprising for populist democracy, they must recall how such similar initial views of the 1979 Iranian Revolution were belied by the mullahs' radical jackbooted murderers, who remain bent upon grasping regional hegemony and nuclear weaponry …
This is not a nostalgic 'anti-colonial uprising' from within, of all places, the land of Nassar. Right now, freedom's radicalized enemies are subverting Egypt and our other allies.
"MuslimBrotherhood ethos = Exact opposite of USA: 'rid Arab lands of non-believers' vs 'give me your huddled masses yearn'g to breathe free,'" we twittered this afternoon.
John Bolton's on the same wavelength. Cubachi explains:
Ambassador John Bolton is putting cold water to this growing sense among the media that this is a “pro-democracy movement.” This is a nation that has not seen democracy in centuries …
This is a protest percolated by the Muslim Brotherhood. As Big Peace revealed on its blog, What Do the Egyptian Crowds Want? Caliphate Dreams and Strict Sharia.
Googling our own posts on the subject of radicalized enemies from within, an über theme of our blog, we stumbled upon "Thad McCotter and the wicked wisp of a woman's hair," a post from May of last year that says it all:
Whatever role Nazi propaganda may have played in fanning the fires of ancient tribal hatreds, all utopian ideologies that feed on hatred and fear of "the other" — whether that "other" be women, Tea Partiers [!] or the Jewish people — are doomed to failure because they deny human nature. Thad McCotter expressed the idea most brilliantly in a CPAC showstopper last February …
Men who would fit women's world to their mind by forcing the veil upon us are in reality attempting a futile veiling of their own fearful human nature. Is it too much of a stretch to posit a similar psychological projection at work in the savage attempts of political elites — who know better than we what is best for us — to silence dissent?
Where will it all lead? Only time will tell. One intriguing possiblitiy:
The fixer in the shadows who may emerge as Egypt's leader.
General Omar Suleiman is already one of the world's most powerful spy chiefs. And in time, says David Blair, he could well be Hosni Mubarak's successor as leader of Egypt.
Finally, for a little comic relief, THE Robert Fisk rises from the dead to offer his half-cent's worth on what it might all mean:
How this elderly apparatchik [Suleiman] might be expected to deal with the anger and joy of liberation of 80 million Egyptians is beyond imagination. When I told the demonstrators on the tank around me the news of Suleiman's appointment, they burst into laughter.
Update: Instalanche!
Update II: Michelle Malkin Buzzworthy link!
Crossposted at Riehl World View and Liberty Pundits.
I am sorry but thinking that USA can control what is happening in Egypt is a pipe dream, this bizarre idea of supporting Mubarak is a tremendous mistake. USA should draw a line where Egypt goes from friend to enemy, other than that can't do much.
Posted by: LL | January 29, 2011 at 11:41 PM
I remember when a progressive friend casually unleashed a torrent of antisemitism. I was blindsided and horrified.
That's how I feel now as I listen to friends defend a military junta.
Left and Right are both statist at heart.
Posted by: HappyAcres | January 29, 2011 at 11:53 PM
Anyone remember the cocktail blissfully named the Cuba Libre, and how you paid an extra buck for it back in the '50s to help Castro throw out Batista?
Posted by: Porkov | January 30, 2011 at 01:16 AM
where are the happy go lucky Iranian dissenters? If the Mad Muslim Brotherhood takes over, Detroit will be filled with Egyptian adulterers.
Posted by: dphorstick | January 30, 2011 at 01:23 AM
"...a military junta."-HappyAcres
I'm old enough to remember when a libertarian announced to the left and right, "Utopia is not an option."
Today's libertarians have gone soft. Freedom requires personal eternal vigilance, hard work and tough decisions so they're all liberaltarians now, eh?
Posted by: Micha Elyi | January 30, 2011 at 01:29 AM
porkov, where in hell did you get that? The Cuba Libre was invented in 1900, to sell Coca-Cola, and the name celebrates their liberation from Spain.
Posted by: comatus | January 30, 2011 at 02:59 AM
Cuba Libre - see it's a generational thing: I was told it was the drink of the exile community looking forward to the overthrow of Castro!! WTF! Three drinks in one!
Posted by: Steve O Reno | January 30, 2011 at 03:24 AM
I would rather see the USA government stay out of it & do nothing, but that the American people fast and pray. There are people I care about in the Coptic community and nothing good can come of this situation for them. We have to stop thinking in terms of human solutions, because there are none in the Middle East, and start thinking of divine intervention.
Iris Celeste
Posted by: Iris Celeste | January 30, 2011 at 07:03 AM
I probably should just keep quiet, but I think the time to have done something was before. Encouraging the Green Revolution in Iran and pushing for democratic reform elsewhere. Now I'm afraid it is too late. Anything the USA does will be wrong. Christians must also recognize that there is a Spiritual component as well. This isn't just human events and we still have recourse to our spiritual nature to fight the Evil.
Iris Celeste
Posted by: Iris Celeste | January 30, 2011 at 07:29 AM
Have to agree with you, Iris ... just as with the Shah, we have not been sufficiently proactive with the Egyptian leadership when it comes to demanding rights-respecting governance in their nation.
The problem is, when ANY assertive move by America is smeared as "imperialism" by those (inside and outside her borders) who believe that America is "uppity" and must be reduced to the least-common-denominator of international standing, it is not easy for even resolute leaders like Reagan and GWB to be proactive in this regard.
If/when this mess leads to a Muslim-Brotherhood-controlled haven for terrorists and totalitarian expansion, the Progressives need to look in the mirror ... for it is their knee-jerk refusal to support ANY direct/timely/resolute confrontation of such regimes in the past, that leaves the door open for such messes to stink up our world.
Moral equivalence kills.
Posted by: Ritchie The Riveter | January 30, 2011 at 08:03 AM
And us with the second coming of Jimmy Carter in the White House. I'm not encouraged.
Having failed to bring down civilization with terrorist acts, they are now using the Soviet playbook from the Cold War.Posted by: McGehee | January 30, 2011 at 12:06 PM
Posted by: goomp | January 30, 2011 at 01:08 PM
"If the Mad Muslim Brotherhood takes over, Detroit will be filled with Egyptian adulterers."
Detroit (and other US destinations) might take Coptic Christians as the Muslim world continues the cleanse but the so called "moderate Muslims" who continue to enable this process should no longer be allowed to burrow into our society.
Posted by: stan | January 30, 2011 at 02:26 PM
I will be incredibly surprised if any good comes from this revolt.
Mubarak is a bastard. He's not a great ally. On the other hand, there could easily be far worse dudes running Egypt.
Why people on the left--and too many on the right--can't see this is beyond me.
Posted by: KingShamus | January 30, 2011 at 03:10 PM
Amen Stan- We need to seriously limit the immigration of Muslims into the US. The goal of Islam is to conquer all civilizations and religions. Muslims do not integrate into any society they immigrate to. The Coptic Christians should be offered refugee status, but the Muslims should be kept out. There is no such thing as a "moderate Muslim"; if a Muslim truly follows the Islamic religion, they are capable of horrible atrocities.
Posted by: Micky Dennis | January 30, 2011 at 08:59 PM
HappyAcres, I can't imagine how you can possibly get up in the morning knowing that we literaly, actively defended Stalin during WW2.
Posted by: Coconut | January 31, 2011 at 02:43 AM