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« Barney Frank: "It's an air kiss they're blowing to the Tea Party" | Main | Tears of joy: Boehner re-imposes term limits for GOP chairmanships »

January 04, 2011


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Let us hope that we the people can make freedom ring.

A popular uprising that overturns a government is a political revolution, not a protest, revolt or any other patronising attempt to minimise people’s struggle against oppression.

Well its true this kind of streaming and real-time interaction is not only unprecedented for the House..Thanks

Perhaps we should talk about the House republican's decision today to just rename "earmarks" to "lettermarks" so they can tell the gullible rubes who voted for them that they have ended earmarks.

Doesn't smell too good to me. Thanks for bringing to my attention.

It's really an unremarkable speech really excellent blog and soo stuff in it thanks for the blog dude...:)

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