"What is overwhelmingly indicative of the power of Palin’s persona is that [not only is] a network willing to have a show centered around her and her state, but also that liberals, and some of the establishment, are ankle biting," wrote the ever-ahead-of-the-curve Cubachi the other day, asking rhetorically "Why do they care if she is as irrelevant as they seem to think she is?" Now the Father of all Ankle Biters, Karl Rove himself, is beginning to see the Northern Lights (photo above of the aurora borealis above Bear Lake, Alaska).
"Are you and Governor Palin getting along?" Sean Hannity playfully taunted Karl Rove the other night. We'd missed it Thursday and just caught the exchange in wee-hour reruns this morning. One more notch on Sarah Palin's love belt? Even as a willfully fact-challenged, illiterate Chris Matthews death rattles "Have You Ever Been an Eyewitness to Her Actually Reading Something?" Karl Rove reads the tea leaves and begins to see the light:
ROVE: The other night [election night] she took a picture of me, and Brit Hume and I were studying Alaska for Dummies, consciously. During the break, we were over there reading.
HANNITY: So this media stuff about, you know, your comments that maybe she shouldn't be doing the documentary?
ROVE: Well, look. My job is to, sort of, comment on those kind of things, and look, I understand she's an unconventional politician, and I may be coming at it from a conventional perspective, but you know, I didn't mean offense by it, and I'm sorry if she took it, and I did — the other night, she laughed when she saw Hume and me studying Alaska for Dummies, and I hope to go there in response to her travelogue on the Discovery Channel.
Did you hear that? The Discovery Channel's "Sarah Palin's Alaska," the "reality show" Rove dissed just the other day as lacking "gravitas," is now a "travelogue." How 'bout that. It's been a long time coming, but as Sarah wrote in her latest tweet:
I am sure God keeps no one waiting unless He sees that it is good for him to wait - C.S. Lewis.
Unlike the dim-witted, dustbin-of-history-headed Chris Matthews, the brilliant if late-to-the-the-party Karl Rove is teachable. Welcome to the Tea Party, Mr. Rove! We're pouring.
Crossposted at Riehl World View, Cloven Not Crested and Liberty Pundits.
The awakening of members of the MSM who are not dedicated to ignorance.
Posted by: goomp | November 08, 2010 at 09:02 AM
The incandescent Sarah is a force to be reckoned with and may be the unstoppable object of salvation for this nation.
Posted by: Gayle Miller | November 09, 2010 at 11:39 AM