"I'm interested in the gratuitous disparagement of men whose looks and personal style fail to track the masculine stereotype," Ann Althouse (above) took Rush Limbaugh to task this morning over his sissy-laced rant about Wikileaker Julian Assange: "I like Rush Limbaugh and have defended him many times, in front of people who tend to hate you if you say anything good about him, so I think my opinion on the subject has special weight … And let me invite Rush to … diavlog with me about the so-called chickification problems that plague our world today." Video here.
"Loved this that you told the Big Guy," we wrote in the comments of Althouse's incandescent, must-experience video-post "Here I am listening — for the first time — to Rush Limbaugh talking about me":
To say men are like women when they're being cowardly and weak. I don't like it ... Also, some chickification is a good thing. Women have a lot to offer. Think about it.
Exactly. As we wrote a few months back about the so-called feminization of our culture:
It isn't "feminization" at all, but, rather, postmodern, identity-politics "feminism" — one of a cascade of unfortunate byproducts of the Gramscian march through the institutions — that has given us an increasingly impotent chattering class of credulous Chris Matthewses of both sexes.
Twittering this morning about the latest effluence from that impotent chattering class — MSNBC's "house conservative" Joe Scarborough's Journolist/Cabalist temper tantrum about Sarah Palin's "anti-intellectual" and "dopey dream" of being president, and how come nobody's paying attention to me!? (h/t Dan Riehl) — we stumbled upon this seductive metaphor from Lisa B:
Now we have a new psychological disorder in addition to Palin Derangement Syndrome. Palin Envy is rampant! Paging Dr. Sigmund Freud! :)
As we said in response:
Your Freudian "PALIN ENVY" is brilliant, by the way, given the cojones-challenged state of our GOP establishment. :)
Update: Scarborough tantrum top story on Memeorandum.
Update II: Michelle Malkin Buzzworthy link!
Update III: Larwyn's Linx links.
Update IV: Althouse talks back in "Sissy on 'sissy'":
Yesterday, I had a problem with Rush Limbaugh using the word "sissy" over and over again to express his feelings about Julian Assange. That, understandably, caught the attention of Sissy Willis. Because she's a Sissy but not a sissy, she did not react with I Feel Bad About My Name: And Other Thoughts On Being a Woman. She wrote to riff on something I said in my listening-to-Rush-Limbaugh video.
Be sure to check out the comments, a mixed bag of the good, the bad and the ugly:
You've got to admire Sissy Willis's ovaries.
Crossposted at Riehl World View, Cloven Not Crested and Liberty Pundits.
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