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« Everyone's disintermediating the gateway media now | Main | "People>F>Frank, Barney" says New York Times »

October 21, 2010


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Sean is following a key rule for Radical
Conservatives: use humor and ridicule to highlight and define the stupidity of liberalism. This is especially effective since liberals have no sense of humor, and are stuffed shirts ready to be deflated.

Hit 'em hard, Sean, in the next week and a half. Hit 'em hard and keep swinging!

Laugh your way into office Sean! And once you get there, hold John Boehner's feet to the fire at every opportunity! I'm originally from Ohio and the thought of him as Speaker doesn't thrill me at all.

While this video is hillarious, it is also a sad commentary on the soon-to-be-ending career of Barney Frank. The only message he will understand is the one that send him packing on November 2nd. Re-elect him and it will be business as usual.

Sean Bielat, www.byebyebarney.org, who by-the-way is not a "Radical Conservative", has brilliantly captured the embarrasment that Barney has become. Barney has no credibility anymore, so why keep him in office?

I proudly support Sean Bielat, and so should you, www.byebyebarney.org.

I'm thinking Barney Rubble can Bida Bang Bang Boom into a new "job"

I just love that "power-besotted" because it speaks so well to ALL the politicians. We've had an interesting election season with attempted voter fraud by the tens of thousands in Houston and Arizona assisted by SEIU, Congressman saying the don't worry about the Constitution, and continuous attacks on Tea Party people attempting to paint them as racists. When evil gets turned around, what can we expect on November 3 if they really get hammered. Lollipops and bunnies? Or France.

The big union guns and DCCC are on top of this race and others now, like bears on honey. Come in, send out the cubs to do your bidding, and pump enormous amounts of $$$ into advertising. Sean Bielat is a political newcomer - just that fact might have convinced me to support him! Barney lumbering around the DC Beltway for 30 years - geesh, give it up (honey). www.byebyebarney.org

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