"Go around them, go right to the people," Sarah Pailin told fans at the kick-off event of "The Tea Party Express IV: Liberty at the Ballot Box Tour" in Reno this afternoon. The Right Scoop has the video. A few excerpts, then treat yourself to the whole thing: "Don't be thinking that we've got victory in the bag yet. We can't get cocky about this. Those whom you have forced to go on the defense, man, they are wee-wee'd up, and they're comin' after our candidates hard … Our mainstream news media, you've called 'em out, you've shown their true colors. Their old way of doing business? Put a fork in it. It's done. Their ratings reflect it, and they've just been refudiated."
"Money still talks, and Dem Money talks louder and smarter," warns Tom Veal of Stromata Blog (h/t Instapundit), Reason #3 in a must-read cautionary list of "Five Reasons Not to Get Cocky." We know he's right in a sense, but there's something that doesn't like to be told where to put one's money, and had we Tea Party types not started disintermediating umbrella organizations in favor of giving to "strategic small-government candidates, not parties" last year, we might have no reason today to be getting cocky on the eve of a midterm election that has "half the Democrats running for Congress in [deep-blue] Massachusetts … anxious and defensive." Veal's point:
What’s more, the Democrats' money is likely to be more astutely deployed. Most of it comes from labor unions or rich socialists, or is funneled through umbrella organizations. It can be easily directed to the races where it is most needed. The more chaotic, small-donor-based Republican fundraising is inherently inefficient. Money tends to flow to candidates who catch the rank-and-file’s fancy. To take a couple of examples, Christine O’Donnell, whose chances of winning are near to nil, and Michele Bachman, a Minnesota congressman whose chances of losing aren’t much greater, have raised vast sums that could have been better used to, say, bolster Dino Rossi’s close race in Washington State or turn the Oregon Senate race into a contest. So far as I can tell, there are many underfunded Republican candidates in winnable districts this year, while no Democrat who has a chance is going to lose because of lack of cash.
That's the difference between putting your money in the hands of your "betters" in the Ruling Class and putting it where your Country-Class heart and mind are. Had we left it up to the powers that be, we'd be stuck with a passel of RINOs like John McCain himself, whom we'd have to hold our noses to vote for. Instead, a few cliffhangers out there, but our principles are intact, and the powers that be are sitting up and taking notice. Jennifer Rubin tells the tale:
As much, then, as the Republicans, the Democrats and their ideological soul mates have been rocked by the Tea Partiers. While the Tea Partiers energized the GOP they defeated and, one would argue, demoralized the left.
Plus, according to CBS News, we small donors are making a difference:
When it comes to Tea Party candidates — small donors are emerging as a major force. Their contributions — $200 or less — are arriving in mass numbers.
Eat your hearts out, David Axelrod & Company.
Update: Instalanche! The Professor links not here but to our crosspost at Dan's, but what the hey? All for the greater cause! Must be why we're getting so many great comments over there — and here as well, what with a secondary Riehl-lanche spilling into the Site Meter.
Crossposted at Riehl World View, Cloven Not Crested and Liberty Pundits.
It is a tough battle. The pure of heart against the corrupt political estabishment. May freedom win.
Posted by: goomp | October 18, 2010 at 06:56 PM
The reasons why the Left is so terrified of Sarah are all contained in this post! Go Sarah. You may be the salvation of our Republic!
Posted by: Gayle Miller | October 18, 2010 at 08:25 PM
Ok, lets ease up here. McCain is no traditional conservative, but for Pete's sake he's no RINO. Let's reserve that term for egregious offenders like Specter, Chaffee, and Snowe.
As for the money, I do have to hand it to the left, because I do think they've got us out organized on the financial front. The Tea Party movements are where the energy is, but it does need to be properly funneled.
I've been personally involved in campaigns for some time now, and have learned to be quite hard-headed about them. Long story short, going with your heart is a sure-fire way to lose.
So sending money to O’Donnell and Bachman is a waste for the very reasons Veal says. From my experience he offers sound advice.
Posted by: Tom the Redhunter | October 18, 2010 at 08:35 PM
"Ok, lets ease up here. McCain is no traditional conservative, but for Pete's sake he's no RINO."
Sorry to burst your bubble, but I looked RINO up in the dictionary and found McCain's picture there. May I remind you what he said on illegal immigration in 2003? “I think we can set up a program where amnesty is extended to a certain number of people who are eligible." Now he's changed his tune. Sorry, not buying it based on past performance. No Amnesty, No Way.
Posted by: RKV | October 18, 2010 at 11:19 PM
McCain isn't a Rino???? HA HA HA HA! that one was funny and going with your heart is the way to lose? Oh yeah we've been losing so far huh. Who are you talking to, all that is just silly and wishful spouting. We all know what McCain is, just look at his daughter. You don't think she doesn't have his input before she goes on these shows and pretends to be a conservative, heck even a mushy mod do you. Oh you bet he has a say in it. As long as these next in line republicans that look down their snooty noses at us are still in there we will be giving our money to the people directly. If Mittens thinks he's "the one" he better start making a list of "honey dos" because we think he should spend some much needed time with his lovely wife, at home! Run Sarah Run! grrrrrr
Posted by: jann | October 19, 2010 at 12:50 AM
Remember if it's not close, they can't cheat...
Posted by: ajacksonian | October 19, 2010 at 07:54 AM
Sending money to O'Donnell may be spitting into the wind, but I enjoy the "up yours" aspect of it too much to hold back my tiny little donation. As to Bachmann, she is a cause well worth celebrating! Second only to the Mighty Sarah in effectiveness.
And hey, I was happy to send my few remaining sheckels to Sean Beilat's campaign in the hopes that the big poop Barney gets his silly ass retired!
Posted by: Gayle Miller | October 19, 2010 at 10:08 AM