"Republicans know how to spend big dollars. In this election, Republican political strategists and their rich, anonymous supporters are really thinking big," writes a shocked, shocked Donna Brazile. First time, Donna? Can you say Act Blue and George Soros?
Instead of using social media to disintermediate the powers that be, the bitter Utopian power clingers of the left, watching their command and control of the national narrative slip back beneath the waves, are apparently attempting to keep their heads above water by using the internet to try to stuff the virtual ballot box with faux votes. This in over the email transom this afternoon from the other side:
With a new campaign from Daily Kos, Grassroots Search Engine Optimization, you can do just that. By learning about the most effective ways to post hyperlinks, Grassroots SEO will help hundreds of thousands of undecided voters read damaging news articles on the Republican candidate for Congress in their district.
Can you say contempt for the American voter? We bitter gun-and-religion clingers are so dumb that you can lead us to the slaughter simply by guiding us through the gateway media's disinformation corrals. Now this just in from the Divine Miss Donna Brazile under the letterhead of the DSCC:
If these Tea Partiers win, they'll come to Washington with this agenda: Stop President Obama, and stick it to the middle class. They're campaigning exactly how they'll govern — with misleading information and wild-eyed distortions, personal invective and rampant vitriol.
How sad to see the charismatic and brilliant Democrat strategist toeing the line in the progressive wing's last throes, projecting her party's modus operandi onto "these Tea Partiers." Hey, Ms Brazile, that's me and my peeps! God's "almost chosen people, this Army of Davids fighting to retake the Shining City! As we tweeted to Ms Brazile this afternoon:
We ARE the middle class, fergossake.
Update: Michelle Malkin Buzzworthy link!
Update II: Brazile story trending on Memeorandum.
Update III: Instalanche! Thank you, Professor Reynolds.
Crossposted at Riehl World View and Liberty Pundits.
Well, as to her email, to a certain extent she's saying what any partisan says when they're down in the polls.
The bit about "Republicans political strategists and their rich, anonymous supporters" is a bit rich, though, coming in the wake of the Obama campaign.
Posted by: Tom the Redhunter | October 08, 2010 at 08:29 PM
The Progressives can only see mama and papa government printing and giving out money taken from someone else to those they want to have it. It's called theft when not referred to in a political meaning. Now that they are throwing in terms of "racist" and class warfare, its a matter of time before they get what they seek. No longer will we "Know your place and shut your face!" It war in the political arena, though we keep an distrustful eye on the Progressives because threats, marches and broken windows and arrest seem to follow them and their activities.
Posted by: DesertCactus | October 08, 2010 at 09:25 PM
donna brazile should wake up. the tea party is the middle class.
Posted by: tommy mc donnell | October 08, 2010 at 11:10 PM
Brazile drank the kool-aid when she admitted to stealing the lap blanket from Obama's chair at the Inauguration. She was bridling and blushing like a girl. She's a racist and can't get over the first AfAm President. I used to respect her.
Posted by: Brazile and Kool-aid | October 09, 2010 at 09:47 AM
Donna Brazile says the Tea Partiers will "stick it to the middle class".
They ARE the middle class, Brazile, you fool.
Posted by: Frederick | October 09, 2010 at 10:03 AM
Where does "brilliant" come into this with Donna Brazille? What has she ever done to demonstrate any brilliance whatsoever? Or does my browser not display the sarcasm tag properly?
Posted by: BlogDog | October 09, 2010 at 10:51 AM
Down at the bottom of their request for links is this beauty -
Quick tip: Articles about Palin endorsing GOP candidates work just fine.
Posted by: s1c | October 09, 2010 at 11:16 AM
Donna Brazille is 'middle class' the same way Barack Obama is 'moderate'. Neither are part of the 'middle class' - the productive class - but card-carrying members of the Ruling Class.
Posted by: clifford | October 09, 2010 at 11:32 AM
The rich and powerful of both parties spend money to attack the powerful of the other party. For too long the Democrats got away with fooling the middle class into believing that it was only the Republicans who were the rich and powerful.
Posted by: goomp | October 09, 2010 at 11:55 AM
Brilliant and charismatic?
sarcasm, right?
Posted by: Marty | October 09, 2010 at 12:07 PM
I recommend you read this to understand what a lie 'the rich support republicans' meme is.
Which was gleaned from this article , which is a fairly comprehensive list of democrat methods for subverting our votes.
Posted by: Joel Mackey | October 09, 2010 at 12:49 PM
If you think about it, what Kos and company are doing makes sense.
Historically, the mainstream media served as liberal gatekeepers - keeping the "silent majority" unaware.
However, with the decline of that media, there's no one to do the job. This is hurting the left.
So, Kos steps up to do the job instead. Of course, it won't work, but they have to try.
Posted by: Just Me | October 09, 2010 at 02:56 PM