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« Stacy McCain scoops The Huffington Post | Main | Massachusetts Democrats: "This one-party thing isn't working out" »

October 06, 2010


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I rarely read political blogs and have banished politics from my own meek endeavor.
I can barely stand more than 140 characters of politics (and that includes a link).
As for discussions, places like Althouse and Ambiance are still great IMO. But I love following you guys on Twitter!

I know exactly what Dan is talking about. Many, if not most, bloggers merely link and elaborate on something someone else dug up. People like Dan, Michelle Malkin, Andrew Breitbart and a few others do a lot of digging which is what earns them their spot at the vanguard of movement conservativism. What is exciting for people like me is to watch other bloggers converge on a story making it go viral to the point of quickly intruding itself onto the MSM reporting where there are clearly behind their audience in learning of and understanding the story.

But everyone can't be a Malkin, Breitbart or Rhiel. A big part of their influence comes from those very bloggers who take their work and quickly spread it like a virus expanding, clarifying and otherwise reinforcing (ranting) the story so that more people hear of it and "get" it.

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