Caption from our May 16, 2009 post "The Big Lie that is the commentariat's narrative of the Obama presidency": "Let everyone reject the destructive power of hatred and prejudice, which kills men's souls before it kills their bodies!" Pope Benedict told "tens of thousands of adoring followers in Jesus' childhood hometown" of Nazareth "with a message of reconciliation" Thursday.
Stumbling into live coverage of Pope Benedict XVI's visit to the UK (Thank God!) early morning — He's at this very moment riding the Popemobile in the St. Ninian's Day Parade in Edinburgh — with the bright shining light of EWTV's Raymond Arroyo's commentary, we googled a couple of our dozens of "Pope blogging" posts and found this one (excerpted below) from May of 2009 that resonates:
May 16, 2009. “We cannot do whatever we please with the world,” Pope Benedict XVI told religious leaders of Galilee the other day (full remarks here) during the final leg of his pilgrimage to the Holy Land:
And there's the rub, the tragic vs the utopian view of human nature that we're forever flogging here . Generations of young hearts have been stunted through the soul-deadening p.c. propaganda of the decades-long Gramscian march through the institutions.
It’s a tragedy that President Obama’s lockstep legions haven't a clue about Papa Ratzi's "subtle yet nonetheless perceptible laws” of the universe. Rodney King's fatuous "Can't we all just get along?" comes to mind, as does Santayana's prescient "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." As military historian-cum-family-farmer Victor Davis Hanson — one who "remembers the past" better than almost anyone — wrote the other day:
The cracks … in Obama’s Pentelic statuary … will widen, because in about six areas he has taken on human nature itself, age-old logic and common-sense opponents that even a Harvard Law degree and Chicago organizing are no match for …
And a few final words from Benedetto himself in his South Lawn speech at the White House last year:
In reflecting on the spiritual victory of freedom over totalitarianism in his native Poland and in eastern Europe, [John Paul II] reminded us that history shows, time and again, that "in a world without truth, freedom loses its foundation," and a democracy without values can lose its very soul.
Update: The Anchoress links in one of her deep, dark, delicious linkfests, all about Papa Ratzi's UK visit:
Sissy Willis is looking at the big picture from a religio-political perspective.
Crossposted at Riehl World View and Liberty Pundits.
Liberals without God often tend to hate those who believe. They miss the point. Altho God may not exist, religions represent the wisdom of the ages in understanding how we must behave to have a society in which we can live together in a relatively civilized manner.
Posted by: goomp | September 16, 2010 at 08:59 AM
Ratzinger gets beat up by the Andrew Sullivans of the world, but if you read him without rancor, he speaks a lot of truth.
I'm not even sorta Catholic, but I like the Pope. He's cool in my book.
Posted by: KingShamus | September 16, 2010 at 09:00 AM
I'm afraid that Barry O lost his soul long ago in Bill Ayers living room.
Posted by: Charles Curran | September 16, 2010 at 09:13 AM
Y'know that could be a good short story.
A young man, with resentments, and ambition, and a desire to do good....gets a chance to have his coming out party politically....and gives in to temptation, and goes to investigate when an evil man offers....and then gives in again, and accepts teh evil man's deal....and then the evil man reveals that he's not an evil man at all, but the Devil, and he wants the young man's soul in exchange for power....story ends there but with a definite hint that the young man gives in again....cut to the Devil walking into the WH Oval Office to greet the President.
"I got you what I promised you. Now for the rest of the bargain."
"Yes, but you didn't say it would be all ashes. No one loves
me." The President says
"I don't deal in True Love, m'man. You need to ask the Other for that."
Permission granted for any writer to use this.
Posted by: Tennwriter | September 16, 2010 at 11:17 PM