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September 20, 2010


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Making me hungry Sissy! Buddy and Rusty too. I am struggling to deal with Rusty's unaccountable fondness for the sound of Bill Clinton's voice. Rusty is smart enough to run and hide when he hears Mrs. Pelosi shrieking away but he purrs when he hears Clinton blathering on. I was watching Carter on TV yesterday and Rusty wasn't having any of that crap either!

Yum! It looks like a great way to use up left over pork chops too (when we have four for dinner, but six in the pack). I also like it because I can eat that while I feed the hungry hordes their carbs and meat, and I have salad and meat. Am finally getting back in shape after too much fun baking with the kids all summer and making too much fattening food generally...

That looks absolutely delicious.

Why do have to post pictures of food when I didn't get breakfast? You're killin' me Sissy!


A couple questions put somewhere impossible to find. Like I know what I am doing! I read Dan Riehl so I read you. Are you a gal? You could just be gay as hell really, and I forget exactly what you are supposed to say but it is basically that there is nothing wrong with that. Maybe there is though. I am OK with being a guy, and I tend to like gal parts. Sort of religiously. I know, it is awful. I should be beaten severely. I will beat my own damn self if you are a guy! The sissy thing bothers me. It makes me wonder.

Here is a gratuitous recipe. It is basically only for marinating a flank steak. You must not overcook a flank. Do not read too much into that you goof! It is too tough a cut to take much cooking. Here is the marinade.

a half cup soy
a half cup balsamic vinegar
a quarter cup chopped onions
4 cloves chopped garlic
a half cup olive oil
i third cup honey or sweet chile sauce
salt and pepper of course
1/8 cup sambal (a hot chile sauce)

Do not marinate it for too long. Several hours is plenty at room temperature. The flank steak is often in good shape, but do not leave any parts which will turn tough upon grilling. Almost all need a bit of work. You also can't cook it much. If it ain't red it is dead! It is not a tender cut. It can't be overcooked. I am probably totally in the wrong place. I taught physics and mathematics, but I was also a sous chef. Go figure! I am wandering aimlessly apparently. We used to grill flanks all the time. Give it a try. I am pretty sure you will like it.

Mike Miller:

Your questions regarding my identity recalled a stunning analysis posted by someone calling himself Matt Penfold at Pharyngula last year. I blogged about it in my post "I also doubt they are calling themselves Sissy with any kind of ironic intent."

Thanks for the recipe, by the way. Sounds delicious!

Ummm... hilariously interesting comments you get Sissy. Wow! This will have me giggling at odd intervals today for sure.

Teresa: Me too, out loud!

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