The chemistry between an ebullient Bristol Palin and her gallant partner Mark Ballas trumped all the glitz and glamour of "Dancing with the Stars" Monday night as the enchanted couple's joyous two-step consummated in a sweet and sassy "eskimo kiss" (above). As we wrote in the comments of Cubachi's must-read "Bristol Palin: Opening the door for conservatives in pop culture?" at Riehl World View, "Bristol is following in her mother's footsteps, embracing and exploiting social media in new ways that allow these stalwart, spirited women to bypass the tired gateway media and shape "the narrative" — in words and images — in their own image." See also Cubachi's latest exegesis of Palin Derangement Syndrome: "As Rush said, the liberals will tell you who they fear the most."
"What is this 'neutral journalism' of which you speak?" we just wrote in the comments of Ben Smith's history-challenged "On Fox, where's the outrage?" Like the President himself, Smith has chosen to deal with the unpleasant reality of having lost control of "the narrative" by spinning tales of an idealized past and projecting his own tribe's unself-aware cheerleading for the left onto Fox News' "fair and balanced" hearing for the right:
I'm not sure expressions of "outrage" at the hijacking of what was, for a time, a more neutral form are all that useful. After all, neutral journalism is a historical blip. But certainly, reporters don't have to take Fox at its word on its own "balance" any more than we have to take a politician at his word.
Indeed. Any more than WE have to take an effete and flailing legacy media at its word. As we continued in Smith's comments:
I'm guessing you share the President's fantasy of a "golden age of an objective press [Journolist/Cabalist lives!] that was a pretty narrow span of time in our history." Narrow, indeed. It never existed. The gateway media's heyday in the1960s and 1970s, when Walter Cronkite was "the most trusted man in America," was dominated by a left-biased point of view. Now that new media have enabled us unwashed over here on the right side of the aisle to disintermediate the powers that be via the internet, the legacy media is reinventing history.
"Coverage that treats Fox as an observer, not a player, will miss much of the point," concludes Smith. Welcome to the club, sir. We've been a dues-paying member for years. Tigerhawk — cited in our October 2006 post "If they were wrong about Vietnam, their entire worldview is in question" — put his finger on the power dynamics at play in those halcyon days of "neutral journalism":
At the time the media perceived and promoted the Tet offensive as a great victory for the enemy. In an age when the network anchors deployed truly awesome power, Walter Cronkite destroyed Lyndon Johnson's chances for re-election when he editorialized that we were "mired in stalemate." President Johnson declared "If I've lost Cronkite, I've lost middle America" and withdrew from the 1968 presidential campaign.
Tet, however, was not a military disaster for the United States.
Truly awesome power? Isn't that what the Declaration and Constitution were all about cutting down to size? Are we not "God's almost chosen people," energized and made whole by spirited dissent to keep the powers that be in check? What's with this "golden age of an objective press," fergossake?
Update: Conservatives 4 Palin links.
Update II: Michelle Malkin "Buzzworthy" link.
Crossposted at Cloven Not Crested, Riehl World View and Liberty Pundits.
She's doing very well on the show, despite the negativity in the lamestream press prior to the first episode of the DWTS! They had apparently "assumed" that she wouldn't be any good and her joyous fun-loving personna makes liars of them all! And she doesn't show up dressed like a hooker either!
I'm voting for her. And here's a thought - wouldn't it be nice if she found a nice solid friendship with her partner? Get her mind off that idiot she made a baby with? Just hoping for her happiness. She's a beautiful young woman and I want her to have a happy and productive life!
Posted by: Gayle Miller | September 29, 2010 at 04:47 PM
Back in the 1920's when I was a boy and up into the 50's most cities had a liberal slanted newspaper and a conservative one. You read the paper which suited your temper. Today I don't read a newspaper. I find support for my beliefs available through the internet.
Posted by: goomp | September 29, 2010 at 05:39 PM
Kudos to Bristol Palin and Mark Ballas, who are obviously having a blast on the dance floor.
Right after their routine in week 2, the camera cut to Sarah and Piper, cheering them on. They were both having fun, as well.
Nanny-state liberals just can't understand how anyone can be allowed to have fun, without the approval of the self-appointed busybodies.
I'll take the Palins' joie-de-vivre over the nanny-state liberals, any day.
Posted by: Account Deleted | September 29, 2010 at 11:02 PM